Trophies are back for Super Smash Bros Brawl says Sakurai today.
Trophies are objects you collect as you progress through the game, kind of like prizes. Each one has a description allowing you to learn more about it.
ET phone home?
This is my good side.
One of these days I gotta get myself organizized.
Trophy plaza.
Me and Miss Piggy are going on a road trip.
Hobo fight!
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
charliecharlie said:
WOW COOL, wait is that tingle?
Super King said:
Look! In the last picture there's one of those Pikmin monsters. Maybe the dude from Pikmin will be in this as a playable character or at least an assist of little pikmin? Awesome.
Captain Jamesman said:
Awesome. The trophies are back! And look, there's the Banana Alien from DK Jungle Climber.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Trophies and stickers and music. Oh my.
ganon man 62 said:
Well trophies are back. No surprise. I wonder how many there are.
Elebot said:
THANK GOD! I'm extremely happy that the trophies are back in Brawl. I thought they were one of the most interesting additions to Melee because they gave you something to collect. Very happy right now. Not a big fan of cell-shaded Tingle though.
BrothaZ said:
Eh this is better than stickers but I wish that all characters shown as trophies alone had a stronger role in the game.
cookie said:
Cool tingle is there and so cool how you can find out about something.
smash fan x said:
Tingle looks like Michael Jackson.
Scooby Jew said:
You can see in some of the screenshots that the food from SSBM has made a comeback. That's all I used to ever get from party balls back in the day- nothing but food. Anyhow, these updates are really starting to kick ass. I hope Sakurai continues with the trend.
B Darius said:
Awesome! So the stickers aren't replacing the tropies after all.
master1 said:
I like trophies.
Nova said:
The trophies were a good idea. I'm glad they continued them. I bet there will be a lot more than before.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
PHEW. I almost thought that stickers would replace trophies. Thank god.
Master Foot said:
I see that Kermit the frog likes riding hogs.
Nintendoof said:
That's Tingle from Wind Waker. Wait could it be?! Could Wind Waker Link be a character?! Just a thought. And did anyone notice that the trophies in the last pic don't have stands?
r3y-r3y said:
That's awesome, thank god trophies are back. Look at slippy, he might not be a character.
hypersonic65 said:
I guess Tingle counts as a hobo.
insultman911 said:
Great! Stickers and trophies. Hey sakurai! If you're reading this comment, can you do a video about something cool, like Mario performing his fludd attack, or a pokemon trainer video? Maybe some character-related stuff, like more final smashes? Thanks. Rock it.
YoshLee said:
There's no way that thing will be a character. An assist trophy or boss is more likely. They should have either baby bowser or ridley.
Dablackluigi said:
This isn't much of an update, but it's welcoming knowing the trophies won't be replaced by stickers. I hope there will be a feature to save photos during multi-player games. That would own.
RisingPhoenix said:
Glad to see they weren't replaced by the stickers. I loved looking at the trophies because they were one of the most interesting bonuses in the game (Nintendo is LOVIN what I just said!).
pichu fan said:
I hate that ooccoo, it was annoying. I'm sure everybody here played twilight princess.
insultman911 said:
I see you've revealed diddy's final smash. Do some more. Can you do kirbys final? We all know its getting a cauldron and trapping people inside.
shadow walker said:
People if you look at DK climber stage find the picture wih metanight jumping. Infact look at the all then in the corner there is a new super mario bros. Trophy.
anon said:
Trophies were awesome, and its awesome that you can make scenes and stuff with them. I wonder if you can use stickers with the trophies too?
Dark Goomba said:
Actually Shadow Walker, I have played New Super Mario Bros. And that is NOT from it. That is a random stage element, and its Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, not DK Jungle Climber!
EDD said:
I guess this means the food is back in brawl since you see it in the second picture.
dudeman said:
I wonder if you can get a rabbid trophy, you know, from rayman.
David said:
There are over 500 trophies.
SSBB FAN said:
How many trophies are there? 500, 600, 800?
jedahdiah said:
What is the exact number of trophies?