It's a screenshot-heavy update for Super Smash Bros Brawl today. I get the feeling that Sakurai may be struggling for updates, because he wants to tell us about every mode in the game (again?). He's all about modes this guy, always with the modes.
Brawl main menu.
Today we can see what's in the Vault section. The vault is mostly where you store stuff you've collected or saved while playing the game, like trophies, stickers, replays and screenshots. It also houses things like the Stage Builder, and the Masterpieces (Virtual Console demos).
Vault menu.
Modes upon modes.
Watchin' the game, spittin' some tiles.
Shut your engine off, I want peace.
I can't see it taking off.
Show me the money!
Kapp'n from Animal Crossing
Stand closer, Mario.
The Chronicle (seen above) is a chronological list of Nintendo games which gets filled in as you collect the appropriate stickers.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
- - said:
Has anyone else noticed that the thing in the challenge screen mentions swimming. As in the characters can SWIM.
EDD said:
Something's wrong. Above the coin launcher pic is another pic that wasn't on the DOJO! Weird.
Sonic Phantom said:
Well, this isn't too bad. At least he's showing us stuff that we would collect in the game.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I don't get it, they're just telling us what we already know. Not that exciting.
wiistorm13 said:
The chronicle mode seems fun, it shows you the old school. That's what I like about the trophies.
YoshLee said:
Not the best update, they pretty much just told us everything we knew other than chronicle mode. Oh well, guess we wait for tomorrow's update.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Swim distance? Does that mean I can drown Sonic?
Nintendoof said:
Yes, I noticed that myself.. SWIM?
bored said:
Hey, I think swim distance is probable how far you can jump underwater before dying, like the water on Melee's Mario target contest. I saw the soccer ball again.
bored said:
NO Wait! They can swim, but only for a limit amount of time. It's in a video in the Iwata asks section.
DKX900 said:
I've always wanted to drown a rat *cough cough pikachu*. I mean come off it, is there going to be a cycling competition as well? Maybe water features in some of the adventure levels and its just like the "F Zero Race Track" trophy in melee. I don't know. We'll have to wait for the update.
Davinator said:
Damn, I assume it's another stadium event like HRC but you have to go as far as you can swimming.
Aeth said:
So this Vault seems to just be a collaboration of all the previous information we were given all in one place for easier organization. Not to sound rude, but what is the Trophy Hoard and Sticker Center for anyway? Just a place to make funny pictures? The first Stage looks like it came from the actual original Donkey Kong game. The second Stage looks like a labyrinth of stairs (which might be used for either quick saves of easier KO's. Swimming Challenge? Well in the The Summit stage if you fall into the water your character can swim back to the summit so I'm guessing there is an event like the Home-Run Contest except for swimming. Do you ever notice that none of the Team Alloy Gameplay features the Red Alloy member? We've seen Mario and other characters fighting Blue, Yellow, and Green yet no character has been seen fighting Red Alloy. Interesting thing they said about the replays is that you can focus on one character while watching the replay, this brings all new possibilities to the people who would want to do a "History of Brawl". A chronicle of every single Nintendo game? Wow, that must have taken quite some time to gather. Most likely a new game appears as a character from that game is seen in the game (either through Gameplay, Trophy, or Sticker), and most likely Sonic and Metal Gear Solid games are, as Dojo states it "not be displayed until the very end" of the list as they aren't part of the Nintendo franchise. I'll have to say, if they ever plan on making another Super Smash Bros game after Brawl, they are going to have to add stuff like Virtual Reality to it as Brawl is going to triumph almost every game before it, I'll even bet on it.
#1 Peach Fan said:
We already know all of this, but at least you can see where to store stuff. Not all that impressed but it's not too bad.
Aeth said:
EDD, if you look on the bottom of the post you'll notice that it was added to this post for fun.
smash fan x said:
Wii there be dojo updates past its Japan release?
Hyrule said:
Swimming has already been seen on the E For All demo videos. Characters can swim on some stages like Delfino Plaza and The Summit.
Hobbit said:
Sakurai's just killing time until the Japanese launch with random useless updates. Once Japan launches, we should be getting something more.
SSB4LIFE said:
What does swim distance mean? A new mode? Do you have to swim at some point in The Subspace Emissary? Cool.
Sonic Phantom said:
DFC, please don't bring that up.
The Crimson Artist said:
Shouldn't the Perry sticker show who it affects in that empty box in the lower right? Looks like Nintendo's being secretive. And the swimming is probably something in the subspace emissary, like an underwater area maybe? Why are they holding back when it's coming out in Japan in a few days?
Charlie said:
I'm really liking the stage builder, extends the re-playability more.
Dark Star said:
This may just mean movement in water, not actual swimming. EDD that was a picture from Riot Zone. Wii's world must have put it in as a joke.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Swim Distance sounds like an event or an a single player thing, when will the cats (characters) be let out of the bag.
Keranu said:
lol, what is Riot Zone doing in there?
wii fanatic said:
Wow. Secrets being spilled on Wii World. How dare you!
lorgana said:
I found out how to swim 300 ft and get the trophy. You got to go to the stage pirate ship were you battle toon link and you can swim on this stage.