Super Smash Bros Brawl will be delving into the past of certain brawlers, with trial versions of their early games available to play. Sakurai is boldly calling this feature Masterpieces. I guess it's no coincidence that full versions of these are available to buy on the Virtual Console. Big N, you clever devils.
You don't need to be online to play these game trials, so they must be included on the disc. Many of the games will have really tight time limits, some include save data.
Ahh, where it all started.
Where's Nana?
Super Mario Bros, again.
Ok, you can put it away now.
Can you fly, Bobby?
Confession, I've never played a Kirby game ;_;
Hai, can you open this for me plz?
Do a barrel roll!
Let's gooo, time's a wastin'.
Now you're playing with power.
You can do better than that, Sammy.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Seth said:
Very nice.
Wii Freak said:
I'm going to play Metroid.
cat said:
lol at 4th caption. Anyways Nintendo was pretty smart to try and make us buy virtual console games by playing Brawl.
YoshLee said:
A cool update depending on whether there will be a lot of games or not. I'm hoping they don't just use games already on the Wii shop channel.
smash fan x said:
Man, no character this week unless you count the 3 that were accidentally released. I hope we get a character next week though.
wiistorm13 said:
I'm going to try metroid too.
pichu fan said:
I can play some virtual console games without Wii points but don't see what it has to do with brawl.
A Guy said:
Always wanted to play Metroid original. Sucks it's on a time limit, but better than nothing I guess.
Juan said:
Never played a Kirby game?? No.
Nintendoof said:
I'm playing Kid Icarus firsties.
Aeth said:
You want proof you can't beat the classic games? Well here you have it, trials of them are being featured in Brawl under the prestige title of "Masterpieces"! I've looked through the Virtual Console List and found that the only characters (that we have seen so far) games North America doesn't have is MOTHER, main Pokemon Games (Though it has Pokemon Snap), WarioWare (Though has games featuring Wario), Fire Emblem, Metal Gear (though that's obvious), Pikmin, Devil World (though it was said it was never released outside of Japan), Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Stafy, and Waluigi. But strange enough, we have Sin & Punishment, don't ask me.
TruBlu said:
Virtual taste-tests, eh? Interesting.
DKX900 said:
Loved caption 4. Very sneaky advertising technique Nintendo but what the hey. Woo free demo games! Goes to show that this is more than just one game.
The Yoshi Guy said:
What will there be for Yoshi? Super Mario World?
Brawler 200 said:
I like it but it still isn't the update I wanted to see.
Keranu said:
This is ridiculous, there should be a Wii Channel for these instead.
SmashBrosAddict said:
This is a pretty cool. Now we can experience Mother/earthbound games where ness and lucas orignated. I wonder what sonic game they'll put in there?
Wiipaw said:
Hah! I have every vc game shown except Ice Climber!
Wiipaw said:
Wow. They really are putting everything Nintendo in this game.
SSB4LIFE said:
I love this option, now I can know which games to buy! SWEET.
Sonic Phantom said:
I'm going to play StarFox 64.
Darkrai said:
In the Japanese Smash site, Fire Emblem and Earthbound were also there (Marth and Ness confirmed?).
Epsilon said:
Do a frickin' barrel roll!
Snow Miser said:
Lame, I already Have most of those games on VC.
Captain Jamesman said:
Now that's a way to play! Way to go Nintendo.
Itachi said:
Nova said:
Kirby games are awesome. Go out and buy one now.
BrawlAddict said:
If you check out Japan's Dojo site you would see they also added a Fire Emblem game and Mother 2.
Aeth said:
I'm looking through the Japanese version of the site and found that Brawl also has trials for MOTHER 2 (though it's called EarthBound in the United States) and the first Fire Emblem. Though since we don't have those two games for our Virtual Console, will they remove those trials or keep them in and release those games for the United States Virtual Console?
DragonFoxCoon said:
Good idea. But, isn't it an even better idea to demo the game at the Shop Channel before you buy it? You wouldn't want to put down a few hundred points for a game you think is horrible after the first five minutes of play. They don't already do that, do they?
#1 Peach Fan said:
Cool but I'm going to be buying these games.
supersmashboom said:
I bet that they make it so you can unlock characters, stickers, and trophies by beating these.
nuked burrito said:
Do a barrel roll, that is funny. God damn peppy.
Quartz said:
Heh, nice. And indeed, do a barrel roll and receive the FULL version of Starfox! Har har.
megamanfan said:
I've already played all of these games, but that dosen't mean I can't play them again.
insultman911 said:
Super mario bros.
Meh Yoyo said:
Bye bye goomba, Hello Mario's shoe!
hypersonic65 said:
Notice that the Japanese website has Mother 2 as one of the demos.
Wiipaw said:
Actually, I have wanted to try out EarthBound.
wii fanatic said:
I'm playing them all.
Plaugefiend said:
I still need to beat Star Fox. Lazy me.