It's another 2 part update today for Super Smash Bros Brawl. First there's a reworking of the Donkey Kong theme by Hirokazu Tanaka:
The second part of the update is about Widescreen support in the game. SSBB supports both traditional 4:3 as well as 16:9 Widescreen.
So er guys, you wanna fight?
Did you feel that? I think we got wider.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
#1 Peach Fan said:
Love the Donkey Kong theme.
Super King said:
Woah, Mario and Snake changed position. I really like this new theme, it's kind of funky. But I really hope they bring back the DK Rap because that was the best video game music EVER.
WiiNinja said:
Snake and Mario switched places.
pichu fan said:
I like the song. Mario, Sonic and Snake should fight, it will make the fight of the year.
wiicloud9 said:
Wider is totally better.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I can't wait to try this on my 1080p widescreen tv.
GVH said:
I think that's the first screen I've seen with snake in a match.
Aeth said:
Well at least they gave us some music to listen to while reading yet another pointless update. It's nice they included widescreen compatibility but it's not worth posting it up. If they are trying to hold back the awesome updates to stir up excitement then they are about to pass "stirring up excitement" and about to enter "getting everyone angry".
insultman911 said:
Dk music sounds more donkey kongish.
Ozzyopolis said:
Hooray! Now if only it were in HD.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Widescreen, cool. DK music, sweet.
Bored said:
You've got to love wide screen.
RisingPhoenix said:
Widescreen is ALWAYS better, ALWAYS! And the DK theme doesn't really sound DKish. Oh and Sonic stands really cool.
Aeth said:
Actually the Donkey Kong music sounds like the ones from the Game & Watch era.
Scooby Jew said:
I don't even know what genre to attempt to classify that theme, so I won't! I'll just say it's awesome and I can't wait to hear some more of that musicians' work. The widescreen feature is basically a must these days, so it's not really a completely unexpected update.
Dark Star said:
The music was nice but I have to say that the widescreen in the game was one of the most bland updates yet. That is something coming from me. I had no complaint even about the how to play updates.
Super King said:
I'm pretty sure they are posting useless updates because they expected the game to come out in a week. Instead, they have 2 more months worth of updates they need to come up with, so they got to post filler.
theykilledkenny said:
I think they already have passed getting everyone angry with FOUR WEEKS of no NEW characters. I mean, even a veteran everyone hates would be okay. But anyway, that was the best music that they gave us ever, which made today a whole lot better.
BrothaZ said:
16:9, yay.
S0NICGunman said:
Nice update, as I know many people had questions about widescreen. By the way, I noticed that in the background of the Donkey Kong theme, there was music from the arcade game, so could this mean we are going to get an old skool ladder and barrel arena reminiscent of the Donkey Kong arcade game?
Nintendoof said:
Love the start of DK's music.
Nickhead said:
DK's theme sounds classic.
RisingPhoenix said:
I understand that these bland updates are just fillers but I REALLY want to see a veteran character update. The last veteran was Ice Climbers, three months ago. Where's Captain Falcon?
EDD said:
That song is so awesome.
Senpai said:
YES! Another game that won't look funny on my tv! Good ole Nintendo making my component cables.
frogman said:
I hear you RisingPheonix, we need a new veteran confirmation. Captain Falcon and Luigi will be in, but all this time without any sign of the captain or the man in green has me worried. I presume they will be secret characters but I would like to see them on the website before the game comes out so that I may finally sleep well. I wish, for once, that Luigi will finally be part of the initial band of veteran characters we get. I hate the suspense of waiting for his appearance to be announced on the website, and when none is given I start to panic (I fondly remember waiting for melee). It is called Super Smash BROTHERS after all, its not like he's really a "secret" character if everyone knows that he's going to be in.
world wide wii said:
I liked the meta knight theme better.