A fun update from Sakurai today, in Super Smash Bros Brawl you will be able to build your own stages using the Stage Builder.
To start off you choose the size of your stage (small, medium or large), the background image and which music will play. Then you're whisked off to the edit screen where you can add all manner of terrain, like platforms, ladders, slopes etc.
This stage makes me blue.
Back to the drawing board.
Everyone likes a long ladder.
This goes-a nowhere.
I'm not convinced.
When you're done, you can save it to your SD card. You can also share your masterpieces with friends or submit them to Nintendo.
It wasn't that scary.
Erase. Surely.
Once a day you'll receive a new stage made by somebody else over the Internet. However, at the end of the day the stage will be erased and replaced by a new one, so you don't have to worry about space issues.
Hey it's Marble Zone. Kind of.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
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seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii Freak said:
I love making stages.
Milkman844 said:
So that's what the pink button they censored before is.
feb10isfartheraway said:
He. I'll make a bottomless pit for the computers and throw Link's bombs down.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This is awesome! I was just talking about making my own stage Saturday. I think Sakurai is the coolest.
i need a wiieww said:
And it looks like the spikes from the sonic game are there, shows what the actual sonic stage may have in it.
Zach D said:
I wonder if it's going to be possible to use your SD card and put your own picture and or music. That could be fun. *crosses fingers* Come on Nintendo.
Aeth said:
Sonic: NO. NOT THE SPIKES. I LEFT THOSE THINGS IN MY GAME. Anycase this is an awesome sounding update. So how many players do you think will make safe zones only they would know about or just try to find a way to cause glitches?
Davidk said:
Honestly this is the best update since Online. This will increase the life of the game 2 fold. Even though it will never get old anyway.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Awesome. One of the best updates yet.
BrothaZ said:
For a sonic stage I seriously think it'll be Green Hill Zone or something like that. But this is SICK.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I am going to die while waiting for this game.
insultman911 said:
This is so cool! I love making stages. I hope there's water like in melee, so I can make it cover the entire stage.
Nintendoof said:
Beware Wii Worldians! My stage will be.. AWESOME.
Smash-Lover said:
Wow! This update is awesome.
jskrdude said:
It'd be cool if you could import pics from the SD card to use as backgrounds.
Secret said:
I wonder if you can make moving platforms.
Peach is #1 said:
This is sweet, I can make my own Princess Peach stage.
Zendalf said:
And use em for online battles!
Master Foot said:
I can't beleive that they have the DKC 2 Bramble Blast music. I'm not sure how well that will fit in Brawl though. Maybe it's a remix.
eric ♥ wii said:
This is awesome, this may be the best fighting game on the Wii. Maybe even the best ever in gaming history. And I'm sure this isn't the only mind blowing update just yet.
Stinky12694 said:
This is probably my favorite update.
RisingPhoenix said:
I've ALWAYS wanted to create a Smash stage! I used to draw 'stages' back in middle school. My stage will be made to fit my character. This is an awesome way to start the week (it can only go down from here).
Splintercell4ever said:
Sweet! I wonder if you can recreate the final scene in Golden eye where they fight on single platform.
SSB4LIFE said:
Holy crud. This is amazing. I knew this would be in it. I'm so happy.
Keranu said:
VectorBen will love this.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Best. New feature. EVER.
Elebot said:
Looks okay. I think this could've been done better though.
xMr1337x said:
Well, if they can develop this fully, then the extra 3 months was worth it. This is going to make the game last forever. Kind of.
Vader0954 said:
I'm getting ideas already.
HylianGamer said:
I now forgive them for delaying the game.
ganon man 62 said:
In pic 1 they confirm dedede's multiple jumps. You can see he's inflating.
Juan said:
Cool, I hope that I can put steel walls and lava. I want to make a wrestling, and volcano stage.
First I thought Brawl was the best Wii game to come, then they unveiled sonic, so I thought it was the best Nintendo game yet. But now they unveiled this and I think it will the the best game ever made in all time.
Jarin said:
Wow, they're really going all out for this. It's getting better every day (weekday at any rate).
insultman911 said:
Brawl is the coolest. And since brawl thinks of everything, I think they will have moving platforms. I wonder if an item might be the cape? I can visualize it. Put it on, and start flying.
Aeth said:
Secret, I think they do have a moving platform option. If you look at the 3rd/6th image (stage builder screen), under the "Features" category there are what seems to be platforms connect to a long rail, so it's most likely those are moving platforms.
- - said:
Wonder if you can make moving stages like the ice climbers'. Nah.
Stinky12694 said:
I remember marble zone. That was the best place to degug. Good times.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Doc-Yoshi said:
I've always wanted to make my own stage! I wonder if you can edit the main levels. That would be awesome.
WiiNinja said:
Nobody will know where I am, because I'll be hiding in my room after midnight playing the stages of the previous day, as well as the following day.
Quartz said:
I liked the last comment. This is kewl.
anonymous said:
This could quite possibly be the best update yet.
divinityboy said:
Personally, this is the best update of all. Now I truly will never take this game out of the console.
BonbonJoe said:
I wonder if you can add scripts to it, such as the lava coming up every so many minutes in the Metroid stages.
Gonzo said:
This is going to be great. Best update. Keep it going Sakurai.
sexystf said:
The best update yet. I'm sure nothing can beat this one.
Andrew said:
Pretty good feature.
insultman911 said:
They had so many ideas for brawl, that they delayed it, to get cool stuff.
insultman911 said:
Brawl is going to be the best Wii game in history. In your face, Halo 3.
SupaYoshi88 said:
Simply awesome! Now you can pick your favorite brawler, practice and become very skilled using him, and then create a stage that fits him perfectly and gives you a sort of "Home field advantage". Sweet.
Dark Star said:
This is very agreeably one of the best (if not the best) update yet. I personally going to enjoy trying out other peoples ideas for stages as well as submitting my own. This update should make Shippiddge much more comfortable on the thought of moving Smashtasm to Brawl.
Django said:
That'd be awesome if we could put our own music in it. Sonic knocking the crap out of Mario to Metallica or Souja Boi.
DJ said:
Ha, what a great idea! Can't wait to get this now.
insultman911 said:
That'd be cool, to download your own music in brawl.
doglover said:
I wonder if you can make trap doors?
brawl3daysb4mybday said:
Now all they need is a create a character. But that won't happen.
insultman911 said:
I'm going to make a mario vs sonic stage. Or a baseball stage, using the homerun bats and if they still have it, mr saturn. He's a baseball.
Zumwan said:
Now the only thing we need are stages that "do something". Stages like Melee's Temple would be useless, now that you can create it yourself.
Link Q said:
YAY! This is the best thing in brawl.
Lay-Z Boy said:
I would make an Avatar Stage with the Fire Nation after me.
Ian C said:
This is a cool feature! I can't wait for it.
roger123275 said:
Hmm. It says remaining parts so maybe you have to buy them with coins?
DKX900 said:
This certainly extends the lifetime of the game. I wonder how long people will be using the online feature for? A year? Two years? Until the Wii is replaced with another amazing Nintendo product?
insultman911 said:
Maybe you can make effects, like arwings coming in.
fox kloud said:
Cool feature but people are going to find glitches somehow.
Peach is THE BEST said:
I was so psyched when it was supposed to come out on Dec 3rd, but when I found out it was delayed, I was crushed. But now that I heard about the new update, I'm going to die if they delay it again.
TruBlu said:
Was I the only one who caught that ladder joke? Anyway, that stage DOES look like the Marble Zone.
Luigito said:
I'm going to make either a square or triangle stage. If it is a triangle everyone will be in it and there will be one opening on top for people to get knocked out of. If it is a square stage it will be the bottom, with 2 platforms away from the hole, these platforms will be all over the outside of the box, and the box will have sonic spikes on it so nobody can stand on it, just the platforms.
Minimariobros said:
I love to make my own stage, but this can't put spikes on the ceil or on the walls.
help said:
Is there a way to get new parts for create-a-stage? If so how?
john said:
These are awesome stages.
cool said:
Yea making stages is cool.