Star Wars Pinball from Zen Studios

Star Wars Pinball from Zen Studios

Question marks over Wii U version

An exciting announcement in the world of pinball has just come from Zen Studios, the developers behind the recent Wii U release Zen Pinball 2 and a selection of other games related to the silver ball. It's Star Wars Pinball!

Here's the announcement trailer, which looks great:

There is a potential fly in the ointment though. The platforms listed for release are:

    Star Wars Pinball platforms
  • Pinball FX2 on Xbox LIVE Arcade and Windows 8.
  • Zen Pinball 2 on PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.
  • Zen Pinball 2 on the Mac App Store.
  • Zen Pinball on the Apple App Store.
  • Zen Pinball HD Google Play.

So that's every platform under the sun... barring Wii U. Zen Studios remain tight-lipped but teaseful (I know that's not a real word) on whether it will happen:

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Rob Jones

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