There's a whole host of enemies waiting for you in the Subspace Emissary of Super Smash Bros Brawl. Here are a few of them:
I'm alright if no one attacks from the side.
Candyman, Candyman, Candyman, Candyman...
First the swimming pool, then the world.
Thank you for flying Jungle Airways.
Hit the red bit for massive damage.
Yea I'm a bird, wanna fight about it?
Was nice knowing you Pit.
Hey buddy, you're flying low.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
tam uchiha said:
Cool new enemies, I think they replace adventure with story mode.
insultman911 said:
This tells us that adventure modes going to be great. Melee only had goomba, koopa, the dead mummy thing, the octo punk, and that tubey thing that swallows you. Only one I like is rob.
Wii decimates all said:
Pit is a gonner, link will pull it off, and yoshi's fight may go either way.
STD said:
Wicked Awesome! Subspace Emissary will be a blast to play and will really add replay value to the game. Adventure mode was nice but way too short in Melee. To me Brawl will be the only game to step up to Halo this holiday season.
world wide wii said:
We better dig a grave for pit. RIP.
SupaSmasha said:
Neat. The giant scythe guy looks scary but cool.
Captain Jamesman said:
Now I'm starting to get the feeling Brawl will be the most intense Nintendo game yet.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I'm getting excited about the single player mode. Original enemies, formidable looking creatures at that. Except for the Candyman.
Peter said:
Tis a shame ROB is one of the bad guys this time round, but it's not the first time. Starfox was his villainous alma mater.
Elebot said:
As much as Smash Bros is a conglomeration of many different games, Brawl seems to be becoming its own game as well. The new characters (or enemies, rather) speak volume to potential. Who knows. Maybe they'll be in another game in the future besides Brawl.
shadow said:
Awesome original enemies. Like the greap caption so long pit, with blades like those you ain't never leaving alive.
Master Foot said:
Poor R.O.B. Maybe he was meant to be a bad guy after all.
B Darius said:
I didn't know R.O.B. was evil.
Scooby Jew said:
I really love that "Shaydas" character, even though the name sucks (Shaydas is the one with the swords and the weak red spot). I hope you can play special missions with the enemy characters against Brawl's main characters. That would be the awesome.
SSB4LIFE said:
Pretty cool update. They made some nice enemies. I'm still hoping for a character update this week though.
pichu fan said:
Okay but why all of them have to be robot.
I absolutely love shaydas, he makes SSBB look like a rpg/adventure game, especially since Link is fighting him.
Amazon Kevin said:
This looks like they took a bunch of enemies from other games and gave them a little "oomph". Roader= Wheelie (Kirby)?
Wiimaster said:
master1 said:
That's funny.
YoshLee said:
Awesome update, all the updates are awesome this week but I hate it how rob's a bad guy now.
r3y-r3y said:
Wow this game is getting violent, look at those blades, imagine blood came out.
divinity boy said:
Anyone know that R.O.B was/is actually a real thing? It was a robot sold in a bundle with the NES(?) to increase sales appeal. But anyways, this game is gonna be sweet. I'm only wondering whether you can save at random in the subspace emissary?
ganon man 62 said:
My favorite is definitely shaydas.
Wherewulf1 said:
Those bottom enemies look familiar.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I love that bird with the rainbow wings.
Nintendoof said:
RisingPhoenix said:
BEST CAPTIONS EVER! Lmao. I wonder who else noticed that Pit is fighting in the skies and Link is in a dungeon. That is SO interesting to me. Just shows how expansive this new adventure is going to be. I'm lovin it.
Epsilon said:
Greap= The Shaydas sure looks like a Zelda styled enemy, huh?
#1 Peach Fan said:
I was amazed by this update. I love how real these bad guys look. I love the bird, too bad it's bad. The trees in the background look amazing! I'm shocked to see R.O.B as a bad guy, I wonder what made him bad.
Doglover said:
The 2nd to last 1 is funny.
YoshLee said:
The reason they are all robots P fan is because they're from space.
Dark Star said:
It's clearly not just me that thinks the enemies look familiar. The Roader seems based on wheelie, the R.O.B's looks different than the one Fox has (at least compared to the picture for Assault) and I don't think Fox's had combat abilities. Auroros acts just like the fire birds and ice birds from Kirby 64, Bytan acts familiar but I don't remember from where.
Nickhead said:
I think that the candy man thingy must be the worst subspace baddie because he runs away from things all the time.
Nintendoof said:
Why is no one noticing that little mysterious thing attached to Roader's behind? Sorry. Just saw it right now. Wonder what it is.
Dayless Night said:
Nintendoof if you're thinking of the rust colored thing, I think it is the roader's license plate, which is to me hilarious that although it's helping take over the world it's doing it legally.
David said:
These R.O.Bs and the R.O.Bs from Star Fox are different. The ones from Star Fox are not evil.
IHopeIDon'tDie said:
Most Greaps were easy, but in the Halberd there is this one that is KILLER! He does this attack similar to Kirby's attack in Melee. You are combo'd so badly you get sympathy pains.