A new Mario game has been in development called Super Paper Mario. Originally lined up for the Gamecube, the game was delayed and took on a mysterious silence. Word is out that the game is now headed for the Wii instead.
The developers of the game are Intelligent Systems, the team known for classics like Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and Metroid Fusion so it's sure to be a winner.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
luigi said:
I wonder how the Wii will do this?
Darunia106 said:
This one isn't an RPG? Bummer.
Koen van Beeck said:
There goes the last awesome Gamecube title. Rest In Peace, purple cube of gaming.
Econo said:
Sounds interesting.
Tatsu said:
You know, I wonder if this isn't one of the VC console titles in development. I mean it isn't RPG like as Paper Mario usually is and the action elements would make it ideal for the retro like VC.
Unknown said:
I thought this was only for the Gamecube.
snipes1183 said:
This looks interesting!
Lickwid said:
Better marketing move if you ask me, good job ninty.
Vortex said:
Maybe when you transform into paper airplanes and everything you have to do certain motions with your controller! That would be so awesome.
PB Troy said:
Well, I thought it was a bad move to release on the Cube on their part, but good for us. So I can't blame them TOO much.
Anonymous said:
Doubt it. They aren't giving up on the Gamecube just yet.
Luke said:
Awesome, another Mario related game for the Wii! That makes 6 now, or 7 if Luigi's Mansion comes out.
wii-mote dude said:
At least it's not going to end up like Super Mario 64 did. The poor game didn't get the attention it deserved when the gamecube came out.
quartzlcc said:
I doubt it.
Riley said:
Awesome a Mario spinoff title that isn't a sports game! I don't own any Paper Mario games but I played it at a friend's house and couldn't stop. I am so getting this one. Do you think Bowser will be awesome to play as? Because I think he will be.
tabsina said:
I like the idea, but i'd also like to see a few rpg games for this series on Wii.
Hey said:
Never played it.
Someone said:
This game looks great because Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Old Door was a great game. Usally it is hard to find a good challenging game, this was the perfect gaming experience.
lloyd said:
They haven't given up on Gamecube yet? It's practically dead! What was the last good game we got? The lack of effort Nintendo has put into the Gamecube in the last year is appalling.
thatguy said:
I've got to agree, lately the cube has had fantastic titles like Lego Star Wars. I think Nintendo has given up and is putting all effort into the Wii.
elephant.stone said:
I can't imagine there being any use for the Wiimote here.
DarkVic said:
Paper Mario is my favorite RPG game, so I was kind of disappointed when I heard they took out that battling system. But either way I'm getting this game!
FoolKilla said:
Just another Super Mario Bros. Without Luigi. Unless they do something different that we don't expect.
bman said:
You have to be kidding me, Paper Mario is my favorite game of all time. It's not even an RPG any more. This is the worst day of my life.
Ja-Mez said:
I used to own Paper Mario, then I sold it because I couldnt figure out how to pass the giant tree level.
singapore_meh said:
Don't feel too bad bman. There are supposed to be some rpg elements implemented in the game. And this only a spin-off. Nintendo still plans on releasing more paper mario games in the original fashion.
Robert said:
This is set to come out April 9th, 2007. You know I'll be the first person (other than Nintendo's debug team) to beat it.
kottonkitsune14789 said:
Holy crap, this game is awesome. The story is great, the gameplay is very comfortable, and the quick menu is greatly appreciated. I hate games where you have to take more time going to the start menu and switching equipment and characters than actually playing. Buy this game if you like side-scrollers and RPGs.
F-zero x VC said:
If anyone doesn't already know, the wiimote is used to switch from 3d to 2d and back again.
Gigabite said:
A wonderful mix of platformer and RPG. Great story line, interesting puzzles, and (despite what PS3 fanboys say) good graphics.
davyt 0247 said:
For a very short time you can play as Luigi.
SuperLuigi Brother said:
I have played every single paper mario game there is. I was sort of hoping there was going to be a paper luigi too.
simplesimon said:
How do you get past level 8-2 after you fall down the hole after hitting the blue switch.
Carrieg said:
Does anyone know the location for megabite and gigabite in the game? I am having a hard time finding them and they are the last 2 cards I need.