Box arts for Super Smash Bros Brawl and Ghost Squad have hit a site called GameCrazy. Note however, there's a good chance these are fake:
Mario ain't messin' about.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
wiiplayer said:
They're missing the wi-fi logo.
Nintendoof said:
Brawl one's so fake! Because there's Fox, Peach, Samus and... Pokemon Trainer?! I could be wrong, but most unlikely.
Viva Las Wii said:
Yea brawl's fake for sure.
wi-fi wisher said:
Appears to be missing the wi-fi logo on Brawl. Hopefully it is a fake.
insultman911 said:
Wow, the brawl cover is so cool.
Soul Lock said:
I do think Brawl is fake. 1) I (think) you have to unlock Pokemon trainer, meaning he wouldn't be on the case. 2) Brawl has Wi-fi, and no Wi-fi mark is on the box. 3) It doesn't look like Nintendo's art.
cman said:
Sweet I was expecting a bit more but it does look cool.
Wii decimates all said:
Is brawl WIFI because I see no WIFI emblem, just curious if Brawl would be WIFI?
Pikachu said:
The Brawl box art looks awesome! I hope it is real but with Wi-Fi.
Zendalf said:
Yeah. I'm not sure how ligit that brawl cover is.
Captain Jamesman said:
That Smash Bros box art is awesome. It really suits the game itself. I like how Mario and Link look in the picture.
wiiiiiguy said:
Ya know I don't think brawl will have wi-fi actually.
Elebot said:
I like the cover, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. Anybody see Zelda? What about DK? You're telling me that Pokemon Trainer is more important than them!?! I love the trainer, but I don't think he deserves a spot on the cover just yet.
shadow said:
Notice the rating on the box "rp". It may be a prototype like mario galaxy box was.
Gonzo said:
Oh my god, that is the hottest cover I've ever seen in my life! Even if Brawl is fake, it's still hot. And yes, Fox, Peach and Samus are in the game.
Wii Freak said:
Brawl is so fake.
cmk said:
The brawl cover is cool, but it doesn't seem like Nintendo style. The Pokemon trainer is drawn while everything else is CG. And it seems grainy, like pasted together style. But they got everything right. The characters are positioned right (mario is prominent, as is link). Hmm, after a second look maybe Pokemon trainer isn't anime style. My bad.
RisingPhoenix said:
The smash box will likely only feature Mario, Link, Pikachu and Kirby like they usually do. Still, that art is awesome.
B Darius said:
I agree, Wii's World. They might change the cover like they did with Mario Galaxy.
Hi said:
Looks like a good box art (Brawl), but it still looks too.. not Nintendo, like Soul Lock said.
master1 said:
I hope that's real.
SSB4LIFE said:
No one is commenting on ghost squad!
Crystal Lucario said:
The smash bros art is fake.
Scooby Jew said:
I'll believe the Brawl cover when I see an official release of it either on Dojo or Nintendo's site. Right now, I'll remain skeptical to avoid looking like a gullible fanboy later.
Donkey Kong said:
Where's DK?
Shadow rules said:
Forget you! It sucks.
I doubt that they will show secret characters on the cover, I think this is a very cool fake.
Super King said:
I am almost positive that the Brawl box art is just fan art. It's way too cluttered for box art. Would be almost indistinguishable from far away. Looks like they were just trying to get (almost) all the characters revealed thus far and throw em all together. No disrespect, it looks cool, but it also doesn't look like Nintendo's doing. The first 2 games just had 4 characters on the front, and AT LEAST one of them was actually DOING something.
NinjaRygar said:
The picture was proven fake by the original artist.
Smash expert said:
How does pokemon trainer in there make it fake? He's a playable character. Check the Brawl website.
Dayless Night said:
Soul Lock, I don't think pokemon trainer is a secret character (how secret is something when it is announced on the official site?). However I agree this is probably fake.
WiiNinja said:
Nice Brawl cover art, but surely it can't be official. Whatever it turns out to be, I still have a Wii ♪.
Master Foot said:
Woever made the Brawl box really took their sweet time. Unfortunately, it's as fake as they come. The art does not scream combat because everyone seems to be in a neutral pose. It simply looks like a montage of Nintendo characters. It also contains all of the confirmed characters so far, which is WAY too obvious. VERDICT: FAKE.
Wiimaster said:
Nice boxes.
Captain Jamesman said:
I'd like to object to certain people's posts. 1) They might not put wi-fi on Brawl. 2) There was never anything said about characters like Pokemon Trainer being hidden.
droop4 said:
FAKE. GC uses non final box art (before the final box art is released).
hypersonic65 said:
Probably both are fake, because Brawl has no Wi-Fi label and it only shows the characters comfimed so far. Also, where's Luigi and Snake?
Erik said:
Anyone else notice that the SSBB cover is missing Solid Snake?
Sonic Phantom said:
Good cover for Brawl, but even though it's cool, it's really fake. But I can be wrong.
insultman911 said:
I really don't expect pokemon trainer to be unlocked because if sakurai revealed him before the game came out, he won't be secret. Maybe Luigi won't be shown on the smashbros website cause he's an unlockable character. I don't get it. In every mario party game, I don't think you have to unlock him.
DKX900 said:
Notice Snake isn't on the box.
The Doc said:
'pose it'll do for now.
DeanPOWER said:
The cover design for 'Brawl' is obviously fake but it's actually not a bad design. I hope Nintendo take a few pointers for this one. Don't care much for the 'Ghost Squad' but it does look a little fake. Way too boring.
DragonFoxCoon said:
The box is real. Why the Wi-Fi symbol isn't there, I don't know. And why is the Trainer there and not Zelda? Remember this: Nintendo works in mysterious ways.
KOOL-AID said:
No one ever said SSBB will have WiFi, they have said it multiple times that SSBB will most likely be WIFi but don't get your hopes up.
Emperor Mephiles said:
Very Nice. I hope the game will be fun to play when it comes out and hopefully it will be a lot better than the last version.
Dude15 said:
Did you see Meta Knight in the back gliding.
Ultigonio said:
DFC, I don't know who you think you're fooling; it's fake. The characters are not all in a fighting nor a rushing pose. Only Pit, Meta Knight, Kirby and Pikachu were in a rushing pose. Everyone else (except maybe Samus), no.
Garth said:
Samus's leg looks like a club that mario is holding.
kirby said:
The game case is fake because they would show all the characters would be on the case. The editor doesn't know the other characters that will be in brawl.
EDD said:
People, in brawl how do you know the seceret characters? Huh?
sidkid004 said:
Anyone notice that Bowser isn't on the cover, along with Donkey Kong and Yoshi. Now that just screams fake.
Nintendoof said:
Sidkid004, they weren't on melee either so do you think the last one was a fake? It only showed they're face kind of. Oh yeah to everyone else, they wouldn't show everyone on the cover! It would take too much room. I think this box art is pretty cool.
Theo Kellam said:
That box art is a place holder for retailers and game sites. Nintendo has already said this.
cruzer said:
That smash brawl box looks cool I already pre ordered it.
link said:
Awesome game.
Gamecube said:
It does have wi-fi, they just announced it. I like it, but it has to be fake.
Twilli said:
Nintendoof, did you even see the melee cover? It still showed all starting characters, maybe not the whole body but it at least showed part of their face. They are liable to do that again.
Nintendoof said:
Twili, I meant including secret characters. I don't think Pokemon Trainer is unlockable. As a starting character for sure. Because Sakurai wouldn't reveal hidden characters.
RyPa the great said:
Why don't they have snake up there. I also wonder if all the other characters in the game can move in a box?
BrothaZ said:
The smash bros box art is real. It's on the dojo but only the Japanese one.
davyt0247 said:
It is real guys. The pokemon trainer is availible to play right from the start. There is WiFi.
koopa2222 said:
Well all you guys are dipshits, that cover art is real.