Super Smash Bros. is Giving Some 3DS Owners a Headache

Super Smash Bros. is Giving Some 3DS Owners a Headache

Leading to Broken Circle Pads

Prepare yourselves, 3DS owners, because it seems Super Smash Bros. 3DS is going to give your systems Circle Pad a thorough workout.

Just days after launching in Japan, many gamers have been hitting up forums, particularly, to show how their Circle Pads have been damaged by rigorous gaming. The pad has been seen breaking in many different ways, from the repairable (the rubber top comes off), to the utterly busted (the pad doesn't function).

It's important to point out that a majority of people encountering this problem were using the original 3DS model, though the XL model has also seen its share of broken pads. Still, it's a bad sign for anyone hoping to play Smash Bros. for hours on end.

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Joe Larrey

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3 posts

ShinyShovel said:

I wonder if Ninty will create an updated, stronger circle pad? Kind of like when they gave out gloves for people with mario party to prevent blisters.

1 decade ago

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