Sakurai's feeling festive and has given us a reasonable update: Sonic's final smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
As you might expect, Sonic uses the chaos emeralds' powers to go Super Sonic, at which point he turns yellow and races through the air at breakneck speeds.
Awesome radical to the max dudes!
These might pay off my debts.
You can't do this, I'm holy and stuff.
Seize him you ape.
You've had your fun.
Not only this, but there's a Sonic theme track thrown in as well. It's called Angel Island Zone and is taken from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, the game where Knuckles first appeared. Is that a hint that Knuckles might be joining the Brawl too?
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User comments
Metaray42 said:
I already knew about this. He could've done better.
S0NICGunman said:
Does this mean Sonic can call the angel island zone his home stage?
insultman911 said:
Ok update for christmas.
Nintendoof said:
Hmmm. Knuckles? An opposite of Sonic? Maybe.
Sweet stuff but I hope they will consider knuckles and shadow if they already haven't.
QXB said:
Didn't expect Super Sonic to be like this. Oh well. Better than Tails attacking you or something!
Keranu said:
Interesting that they chose a Sonic 3 song (especially since that soundtrack was made by us Americans!). I would've preferred a more traditional Sonic song from the first game, but I like Sonic 3 too. I also noticed that the end of the song posted changes to the second level song in Sonic 3.
jskrdude said:
I'm pretty sure Knuckles was in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 *turns on Wii and starts up Sonic the Hedgehog 2*. Yup, there he is.
MrWii said:
I can't wait to use sonic in ssbb.
Yoshi-1up said:
I love Angel Island Zone music.
Gina Beets said:
Not exactly new but I like the song.
Sonic Phantom said:
Knuckles could most likely be an AT in Brawl. Who knows? That would be interesting to see. As for the Final Smash, this is my favorite out of all of them. Second being to Giga Bowser.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Saw it coming a mile away, but sweet nonetheless. Now, if Knuckles were to be in Brawl, I'd go nuts; I always liked him best.
Charlie said:
Cool, he kind of looks like he's gone super sayian.
BrothaZ said:
This is just like Pikachu's final smash. Oh dear.
#1 Peach Fan said:
Pretty update we already knew this was going to be his final smash but nonetheless nice.
SSB FTW said:
Now Knuckles would actually be good in brawl.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
I knew it would be Super Sonic.
Gina Beets said:
His final smash is like pikachu's only there are obstacles. Pikachu's let you go through anything and it seems extremely hard to hit anyone. I prefer this one over pikachu's. It's kind of like if mario got a star and flew around.
LegatoSkyheart said:
It's super (sayian) sonic.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
I knew it, now what is Snake's.
Aeth said:
Jskrdude, originally Knuckles only appears in "Sonic 2" if you had it attached with "Sonic & Knuckles" in the old Sega Consoles. When they brought the games over to the Wii's Virtual Console and "Sonic Collections" they programmed using Knuckles as an option. Other than that, Knuckles' official appearance was in "Sonic 3". As for what could be Sonic's Assist Trophy, I think it'll be Tails just because he appeared in every single game Sonic was in (Knuckles would be third, but if we're lucky they might include both Tails and Knuckles due to their popularity).
Quartz said:
Yeah, that was pretty obvious. I actually saw it a long time ago in a video back when Sonic was just announced. Sweet update.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
We all knew this from that sonic video.
That one guy said:
The pictures make it look weak and easy to dodge.
SON of A Wii1-4 said:
Sonic should have a slight colour change where he can look like Shadow, since there is a possibility now that Wario has a clothes change.
noneyaBswax said:
They need Silver in this, it would be awesome flying around, walking through stuff, blowing stuff off you with this spiraling blast. If Shadow was in it he could do chaos blast and chaos control. He could ride around on his motorcycle, using weapons, stealing chaos emeralds from sonic. Metal Sonic could use any Sonic characters final smash, fly in the air, slash while grinding (if possible). Knuckles could do a flare punch, for his final smash there could be the master chaos emerald if anybody comes near it he will pulverize them all. If Jet was in the game he could ride on his air board and use all his abilities in SR. For his final smash he could ride with his team and destroy the whole city. They could also give Sonic his items in SA2b and his ring from SatSotR.
noneyaBswax said:
I like the song they put on here.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Wow, noneyaBswax. Giddy much? I wonder how many people can decipher SatSotR. Anyhow, if any more Sonic characters were to appear in Brawl, I'd agree with Aeth with Tail being an Assist, and Knuckles - though I'd rather him be a usable character. However, if Nintendo were to make another Sonic character playable, odds are it'd be Shadow, just because doubles were so popular in Melee.
great sork said:
Sakurai said that there will only be three 3rd party characters.
Plaugefiend said:
I hate to say this, but isn't Sonic copying DBZ (Dragon Ball Z) Super Sayians?
Plaugefiend said:
DragonFoxCoon, nobody really like the clones. They are just cheap copies of the original character, only with different moves sets, weight class, and strength differences.
TruBlu said:
If Nintendo decides to make another Sonic character in Brawl, it'll be Tails. He's Sonic's BFF since game 2, I'm sure he gets some credit for that, no? AND he couldn't possibly be a clone.
Knuckles Man said:
Knuckles is my favorite video game character period. If he were to be in brawl I would pee my pants.
ssbbfanboylolzXD said:
Knuckles, tails, and silver appear in the background of sonic's stage:Green Hill Zone. Shadow is an unlockable assist trophy. You pretty much unlock everything about sonic when you unlock him.
TruBlu said:
I posted that a long time ago, ssbbfanboyXD. But, I didn't know Silver appeared.
fools said:
Super sonic has been out since the first sonic, ya know collect all the emeralds?
Arron plays as Ike said:
I'd have liked something from maybe sonic heroes, or possible adventure 2 battle. And I wish knuckles was a character and I'll bet they'll have a black sonic color so it looks like shadow. They could've done better like used his hurricane thing but it's obvious sonic's got to go super and that's fine with me.