Secret SEGA game countdown

Secret SEGA game countdown

A subdomain on the official Sega website (in Japan) has a 10 day countdown to an, as yet, untitled game. The only clue is a digital mushroom, and that it's being handled by Takao Miyoshi - well known for producing Phantasy Star games.

Any ideas on what all this could be about?

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Rob Jones

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Brawler 200 said:

Phantasy star games, sega, and a weird looking blue mushroom. This could be another Mario & Sonic face-off.

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Shadow said:

Maybe another Sega + Nintendo team up.


YoshLee said:

I feel like they're expecting us to think it's another M&S crossover but when really it's something else. What could it be?


Diddy Kong Lover said:

I hope it's a Phantasy Star/Legend of Zelda crossover, though I doubt so.


WiiNinja said:

Hope it's good. The problem with Sega is they can't, let's face it, market and advertise good-looking games. I mean, Sonic Unleashed came out, and the website still said "Coming Soon" for over a month. And they're still not telling much about Sonic and the Black Knight. The SSBB site was updated least 16 months before the game actually came out! Sorry Sega, but unless I see more, you're one customer short of success.


monkeylemur said:

I hope it's an original game. Sega and Nintendo aren't pulling out good ones these days.


Supersmashdodo said:

I hope it's not a Sega and Nintendo teaming up, because I never really wanted Mario to be with Sonic.


Wii Rox said:

Don't you morons know anything?! This is clearly adventures of bluey the mushroom, DUH!


Wii said:

Click on the U that's colored different on the website. Comes up with a DS game but it's all in Japanese. Someone could translate perhaps?

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