Unreal 3 engine on Wii

Unreal 3 engine on Wii

Mark Rein of Epic Games recently gave an interview in which he confirmed a 3rd party has revised the Unreal 3 Engine for use in Wii development.

The Unreal 3 Engine is the driving force behind many famous next-gen games, including Gears of War, Bioshock and Unreal Tournament 3.

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Rob Jones

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Superbrawl1 said:

Unreal Tournament on Wii? How cool would that be?! Bring it on.


Kiefer said:

Ha ha sweet.


ImaGuy said:

Ummm does this mean that Gears of war, Bioshock, and that other game will be on Wii?


Wii said:

Gears on Wii, that would be cool (never going to happen though).


Master Foot said:

Oh yeah, Gears on Wii, and then I woke up.


DragonFoxCoon said:

So the Wii can actually handle kickbutt graphics? I wonder how it'll match up against the Unreal Engine on the 360. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl right now, and I don't care who knows it.


kareshi is black said:

Goomba is definitively a conman.


BrothaZ said:

That's awesome.


lickwid said:

Gears of Goomba. Sweet.


Quartz said:

It doesn't necessarily mean that those games will be on the Wii, but it is possible.

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Nova said:

That would be sweet.


Scooby Jew said:

Awesome awesome awesome. I can't wait to see the Wii's game line-up after they're done with this. I hope they get done before February 10th so Sakurai can implement it in Brawl (if possible, of course).


Eljize Blize said:

(wakes up) huh Gears on Wii. What.


tim said:

A lot of quality for wii60pc. Ps3 is being burnt even by the ps2. Sad.


WiiPeter said:

How cool. Bioshock of war. Interesting to see just how many of the textures would be removed. Would the gameplay be better or worse with the interactivity.


Wiimaster said:

Wii is a lot more powerful than people can think and it can handle URE3, this means it can handle games like assassin's creed AI and framerate but the video card can't fully handle 100% graphics, more or less like 80-90%.


gchk said:

It'll be worse looking than on ps3/360/pc. It does however mean that the Wii may get some great new games.


Senpai said:

Awesome news, won't be of 360 quality, but the engine has lots of cool features that allow impressive graphics using less memory than most crazy engines, don't know where I read that, but it supposedly has potential to bring some sweet graphics to the Wii.


Elementrat said:

Guys, just so you know this actually means very little. They will just remove HD optimization so it will keep a respectable frame rate and fit into the RAM restrictions. There have been MANY Unreal Engine 2 games on Wii already. Red Steel, Splinter Cell, and a bunch of ports have all run on modified versions of Unreal Engine 2. If they stripped down the HD capabilities of UE3, they would essentially have UE2. Of course, I am making a few assumptions, but overall you aren't going to see anything too amazing just because the game is running on a stripped down version of a next gen engine. And no, This means NOTHING as far as actual games such as Gears, BioShoock, or UT3 coming to Wii. It just means some developer is working on their own port. It has been hinted that the game using it is Brothers In Arms.


sidkid004 said:

But wouldn't this make the frame rate sky-dive. Sorry if I sound a little "glass-half-empty" sounding.


Splintercell4ever said:

Bioshock on the Wii would be friggin sweet.


Gabon man62 said:

Does this mean Wii has better graphics than anyone knew?


zfan said:

"Graphics"? Hey if you put all your work just in the graphics department and nothing else the gameplay usually sucks! (About 6 of ten anyway).


Darth Judicar said:

Yep, Gears on Wii. It's the next project after Halo on the DS.


Erik said:

This isn't a definite yet. I looked up more articles online about this. Turns out that Epic Games isn't working on Unreal Engine 3 for Wii at all. It's an unnamed licensee of Epic Games, and they are still attempting to get the engine to work on Wii (which leaves room for failure). Unreal Engine 2 was already brought to Wii for Red Steel however, so the possibility of seeing the engine succeed on Wii isn't totally out of the question. Time will tell, as they say.


Jimmy said:

Didn't Red Steel use an Unreal Engine? Look how that turned out. But! I shall remain optimistic.


OJ said:

It's great to see so many make so many assumptions about the power of the Wii graphically. Especially when the shaders in the 360 aren't capable of a true 1080 resolution themselves.

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