A preview of Metroid: Other M in the official Nintendo magazine offers up some important new information.
Most groundbreaking is that the game will feature full voice acting, including Samus herself. Nintendo has a history of keeping their protagonists silent, but this is set to change in the latest addition to the Metroid franchise, which is being developed by Team Ninja.
Also, unlike the Prime games, Samus will be much less solitary in Other M. We'll get to see a number of her colleagues and companions, including commanding officer Adam Malkovich.
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User comments
Darunia said:
Cool. I personally always thought samus should be the one with voice acting.
Nova said:
This game looks to be like no other metroid game so far anyway, so I'm not completely surprised.
YoshLee said:
I think it's suitable for Samus to speak. She had her own text in some games and speaks in brawl. As long as it doesn't lead to Link speaking in one of his games I say it's fine.
Mischief Shadow said:
Well she has Voice Acting in Brawl so I don't see why not. GOD FORBID they ever make Link talk though.
Parvin said:
I get the magazine aswell. Seeing as I've only played Corruption, I don't really know how this game will turn out. I think it would be awesome if you could use Wii speak and it would come out in either her voice or yours, and it would sound like a walkie talkie.
wiiboy101 said:
When I imagine a living metroid world, well team ninja have made it real, just how I imagined Samus to be.
insultman911 said:
This probably means that samus has a personality now in this and later metorid games. Silent characters like mario and link are usually the ones that don't talk. They are also the heroic ones in the games. They always make the heroes silent so that players can BE the hero. So that players will learn that you can be a hero, even if your a wimp or something, not because of bravery. Adding voice actors to mario and link will make the players think that being a hero involves being brave. Let's say some boy who gets scared easily goes and plays super paper mario or something. If SPM had mario saying how brave he is, that little boy is going to say I'll never be a hero like mario if I am who I am. That's why Nintendo has silent protagonists. So that you can step in the heroes' shoes no matter if you're an easily scared person or a wimp or something. Moral: a hero is a hero not because of bravery; a hero is a hero cause he/she does what must be done (I only wrote this cheesy poop cause it's for my school essay at the beginning of the year. And I also think wiisworld needs a comment remover if I get mocked about this).
ED said:
The only heroric Nintendo character I could think of is Fox McCloud of the starfox games.
Parvin said:
I'd like to see if and how they'd stop Samus talking. So in this game she can talk, and near the end of the game, something happens to her so she loses her voice if you know what I mean.
Parvin said:
So basically it explains why she can't talk in the other metroid games.
Lay-Z Boy said:
Didn't she talk in the Metroid Prime games?
Mischief Shadow said:
Remember guys. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the will to stand against those fears.
Parvin said:
In what way do you refer to this mischief shadow?
Wii Cloud said:
Great to know. But if it's a side-scroller, I may pass.
Parvin said:
It's a bit of both it looks like Wii Cloud.
Nintenjosh said:
Cool, but if this happens to Link, there'll be heck. Reeaall bad heck.
YoshLee said:
Wii Cloud:. Wait you DON'T want it to be a side scroller? I made a post entirely dedicated to explaining how awesome it would be if Team Ninja combined several 2-d ninja gaiden gaming aspects with 2-d metroid gaming aspects. Are you saying combining two of the greatest NES games ever made has the potential of being a BAD thing? How could combining them in a 2-d format lead to anything BUT win? 2-d Metroid games are awesome and 2-d Ninja Gaiden games are awesome. Well from what I saw it's mostly 3-d FPS anyways so I guess I'm going to have to continue dreaming unless a sequel comes that goes back to Metroid and Ninja Gaiden roots.
Mischief Shadow said:
Just adding on jokingly to what "insultman911" was elaborating on. Oh and Captain Falcon talks a lot in Smash, you know what I mean. Who will be the first to say it.
Son Ninja said:
So for following the Metroid series this long we will finally get a chance to find out what a Zebes native (Samus) talks like, good to know.
Wii Cloud said:
I got enough side-scrollers from Mario. I don't want/need another to continue it. It's got to be either FPS or 3D, for me at least. If it has to have a little bit of 2D aspects, then I'll deal with it. But we need a new and unique "Link" kind of gameplay already.
YoshLee said:
Wii Cloud: Not every side scroller is like Mario you know. Have you actually played a 2-d metroid? Trust me the 2-d metroids are both fun and COMPLETELY different from Mario side scrollers. Mario side scrollers are about getting from point A to point be, and stomping on stuff, 2-d metroids are about exploration, and gathering weapons so you can reach newer areas and defeat newer enemies, they're BRILLIANT works of 2-d gaming, heck I'll go ahead and say Super Metroid the best game on the SNES (yea that's right it's above Chrono Trigger). Saying you don't want a side scrolling Metroid cause you already play a lot of side scrolling mario games would be like saying you don't want to play Street Fighter II on the SNES cause you already play a lot of Smash Bros. Just cause the two are fighting games doesn't mean they both don't have their own unique feel.
Parvin said:
It's gonna be a lil bit 3d apparently. Like sonic unleashed, it's gonna kind of be split in to 2d and 3d areas.
Steve the great said:
I will like Metroid other M if you could find out who the "Remember me?" guy is.
Steve the great said:
Is "Remember Me" The coach doc from punch-out!?
Steve the great said:
Samus is a girl!? Kidding, this joke hasn't been used since the mid 90's.
Steve the great said:
Still waiting. Gahhh! When's the game coming out.
Cody the pooka said:
Speaking of link talking, anyone here heard of a game called "Link: Faces of Evil"?