Don't get too excited, he's an assist trophy. That's right, Waluigi will be assisting you (or beating you up) in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Waluigi comes equipped with a tennis racket, long legs and a mean grimace. He's relentless in his attacks, if you get stomped into the dirt then don't expect any mercy. It's the way he was raised.
This place looks too happy.
Hey don't I know you from somewhere?
Yuck, you've soiled yourself. Get away from me.
Treat em mean, keep em keen.
You can not be serious!
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
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User comments
Halski said:
That's a shame, I really wanted him as a playable character.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I wanted to play as him. Oh well, at least he's in.
SuperMatt said:
I absolutely LOVE Waluigi!
Wii Freak said:
I knew he would be in this game somehow.
Aeth said:
Well the bad news is he's not playable, the good news is that he's in Brawl. I think Waluigi would have been pretty much a cloned character of either Luigi or Wario, as not a lot about his character has been done to make him unique like how Wario is to Mario.
Smash King said:
I was expecting him to be playable after I found out Wario was. Oh well, he's in I guess.
kool-aid man said:
Oh man this sucks, I really wanted him as a character.
YoshLee said:
I'm kind of glad he's an assist trophy. He would have been alright as a character but there are way more characters I'd want in his place.
Callen said:
MAN! I wanted to play as him, oh well.
wiistorm13 said:
Pretty lame power, he could be a lot better.
Sonic Phantom said:
He will probably be a playable character in the next Smash Bros.
pichu fan said:
Would you just look at that. There goes are new hidden character waluigi, why oh why did you not come in? Still show us a veteran character.
Frogman said:
Well, to be honest, I'm kind of glad he's not playable. He really just didn't have a big enough role in the Mario series. He's never had his own game and the only games he's been in are Mario sports games and Mario Party games. Still, seeing with those next gen overalls makes me wish he was playable.
Master Foot said:
I'm not a Waluigi fan, but that must hurt.
insultman911 said:
For some reason, it wouldnt be right if he was a playable character. Yeah, he doesn't match wario. He should be better off as an assist trophy.
TinyBoy said:
Why would you want to play as waluigi? He would just be wasting a playable spot for someone more deserving.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
This fits him perfectly.
SeanTaylor4ever said:
How the hell is he in this game at all in the first place? It is almost impossible to think of him as playable because he could not draw any original moves of his own.
Nickhead said:
Waluigi? Nooooo.
Googolmario said:
I think I know why Nintendo's recent updates have been seriously uninteresting. Until recently, everyone thought Dec 3rd was the release date. All those updates had been filler while we waited for the game. They didn't want to lower the hype by telling us everything about the game. Now, they've used up the filler, so they have to get their act together again.
BrothaZ said:
Hmmm that's too bad. I won't be able to mercilessly beat his bony ass. Oh well.
EDD said:
This could prove Luigi is going to be back.
RisingPhoenix said:
Damn he could've been a cool character. They should put him in a REAL Mario game. One with a storyline.
Keranu said:
Phew, I was afraid he was going to be a playable character and steal Mr Game & Watch's spot. I hope to god that Mr Game & Watch is still in this game.
smashbro said:
Won't it be funny if he is actually a playable character but Nintendo is just messing with us by saying that he is an assist trophy?
Diddy Kong Lover said:
He's perfect like this.
DragonFoxCoon said:
It's too bad he's not a usable character.
Captain Jamesman said:
I'm not really a big Waluigi Fan.
ganon man 62 said:
I'm glad he's an AT. He was just a filler character. He would be a waste of a spot character.
Gonzo said:
It's good to me that he's an assist trophy. He's not even that good, and there are already too many main characters.
Epsilon said:
Don't really see him as playable anyways. It would be like seeing.. I dunno, something like Mario Kart in Brawl. At least he gets an appearance. On another topic, sure is nice to know that the assist trophies won't just consist of a bunch of sword users.
1nintendoman1 said:
So awesome. I think assist trophy is a good idea.
Joewii29 said:
I wanted him as a secret unlockable character.
Isabo said:
Darn, At least he's in the game. But what's the point of putting him in it when you can't play as him? They need to make a Waluigi game also. He looks pretty cool though.
vince the prince said:
Waluigi is a great character, it's a shame he's not playable. Now I'll never experience the true Mario+Luigi vs Wario+Waluigi. Maybe it's not too late to place him as a playable character.
Aeth said:
Hmm, Frogman is right. Maybe they should hold off on the Mario & Luigi games and create a Wario & Waluigi game. A good guy duo is fine, but two bad boys running around would be a whole lot of fun.
theykilledkenny said:
Kind of makes sense, because everyone says just because you see Wario, it makes Waluigi a shoe-in to appear. But the truth is that he is not in WarioWare, and that's the series Wario represents. Still, with that tennis racket and stomping move, he might have been a good character.
QXB said:
Waluigi's cool. He should have been in Brawl, seriously.
Bozey (Tails) said:
Waluigi, I'm surprised. Oh well he could be in next one, or the one after that.
TruBlu said:
Mario soiled himself! That was hella funny.
davyt 0247 said:
You know vince teh prince, that would be a cool match, if there is another Smash Bros game maybe that will become reality (just dreaming).
Waluigi Fan said:
It sucks because he could have been a good character. People say that because he doesn't have a game or stars in a real Mario or Wario game, he can't have an original move list. But that's wrong, because he wasn't in a "real" game they could have gave him any type of moves they wanted to give him and he could have been completely original. What a waste of a perfectly good character.
zak attack said:
I am a big waluigi fan.
carrot said:
I was hoping he'd be playable. One of his taunts could have been his crotch chop from Strikers.
insultman911 said:
Waluigi doesn't have Nintendo history. He's never the star or something. Every character in brawl has their own history or their own game. Waluigi never had his own game that sold millions. He's just always been a playable character in sports games like Mario strikers or Mario tennis.
bono said:
Waluigi fan is right, they could've given him moves based off those "meaningless" type described spinoff games and had been completely in Nintendo's hands. He loves tennis, that occupies a move, hell a finisher/final smash in my mind and hates Luigi. A more ramped version of a story mode that could've been increased because of the rivalry. And when will they add king boo or bowser jr? He has quite a few roles in the Mario series an no one bitches about him not being there.
spazman said:
Man they should make a Wario&Waluigi Game for GBA or Wii or something! Some kind of adventure game, or side scroller, I dunno! But it would be awesome to see Waluigi get more spotlight.
wario said:
WALUIGI ROCKS, he's my favorite Mario character ever. Whoever bags him, I don't like them.
shaun said:
Hey that's not fair, Dr Mario gets to be a playable character in ssbm. He's not that famous either. Waluigi: he was the main villain in dance dance revelution mario mix, and appeared in a few crossover games like mario hoop's 3 on 3 and mario & sonic at the olympic games. So stop complaining about him only appearing in Mario sports games.
Waluigi is awesome.
Iron Maiden said:
Hmm, I want a game starring Waluigi.
Frogman said:
Shaun, those are party and sports games. The crossover element does not change that.
Hayden said:
I believe they're going to make a new super smash bros something and add most assist trophies so waluigi has a good chance of being playable but here's another fact. Waluigi is in SM64DS. Amazing isn't it.
carson said:
He is so skinny.
Jimmy said:
I think he's sexy. No kidding. I had dreams. Xd I'm not going into detail.
bratz doll said:
Mickey mouse should wear a tutu. Now or never.
AquaBolt said:
I'm glad he's not playable. He never had a real background so his story wouldn't be epic. He's an assist trophy right where he belongs. I wish Geno would be a character though.
Sven said:
WaLuigi's one of the best assist-trophies, but he was better as a playable character. I hope he's on in the next Super Smash Bros.
insultman911 said:
The only reason he's holding the tennis racket is to represent the first game he was in; mario tennis.
Thatguy said:
You know he might not be a playable character, but at least Nintendo made an alternate Luigi color scheme in Waluigi's colors.
Wario bros said:
I think he should be a playable character so you could have a Mario bros Vs. Wario bros grudge match. It would also make a great event. For the next game (if they make one), I think they should bring back every character and every stage plus new characters and stages. The name would be "Super Smash Bros Reunion".
That's just one of those people who come out of those blue cylinder.
waluigiFAN said:
Waluigi is so cool, he could have a lot of moves like throwing bob-ombs and a lot of kicking moves and his special move should be calling a bullet bill or a rain of them. He should also have his own game, like toad should be in SSBB and toad should have his own game.
Waluigigamemaster said:
I know. I wish he would have a game or be in a super smash game. I came up with an idea but it might be too hard. It gives him though a huge array of moves.
Parvin said:
He's annoying in Brawl.
Flypaper said:
Waluigi is amazing, and those of you who think otherwise are retarded. He deserves his own game, deserves a real character in brawl, and he deserves more than all the shit you guys are giving him.
luigi 117 said:
Waluigi is the best, I just think he doesn't get any attention just like Luigi.
Marth said:
Waluigi & Marth are #1.
MarthRocks26 said:
Go Waluigi.