A cool piece of info from Sega says that NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams will make use of Wii's Forecast Channel to change the weather in-game.
However, it's likely this feature will only be used in the Artificial Life section of the game. A-Life is a sandbox environment where players can collect and raise inhabitants of Nightopia, something similar to the Chao Garden seen in Sonic Adventure games. Some early screens are available too:
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
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seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
man with cap said:
Cool, but since I'm British, it'll always be rain.
del said:
Nothing but rain for my garden then, cool idea though.
i need a wiieww said:
Oh sweet, you reckon it'll be the same for AC? But if it's to be an mmo, I'd prefer the mmo thing than the weather.
wiicloud9 said:
Nice is all I can say for now.
Rags said:
I'll never get rain where I live.
wii nerd said:
I live in Bergen, there it's always rain.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Hmm. This might spark some designers into making games with similar features. Animal Crossing, anyone?
feb10isfartheraway said:
Poor eskimos out there. I feel sorry for them.
doglover said:
That'd be horrible if there was a tornado.
Damn it. I live in Texas, no snow, no rain, just heat. If my Wii has a heat stroke they are so going to get sued.
Silly said:
Stuck in home because of rain, only to play a game with rain in it.
frogman said:
I'm with you Rags. No rain ever. I actually want rain, the sun gets so boring. It would be nice for us to have a little weather differences here in California.
Nintendoof said:
Animal Crossing would PWN! Imagine same sky and feeling instead of random weather like snowing. It also be cool if it had a pool. And it froze in winter when you could go ice skating. As for the NiGHTS thing, pretty cool, but not a big fan of gardens e.g Chao Garden.
Quartz said:
Holy crap, nice. This brings back some serious memories of chao. I've spent over four-hundred hours of my life playing with those. Nightopians, yeah, cool, but Chao would be nice, again. Of course, not in this game. But they're working on doing some really cool stuff, so we'll see.
jskrdude said:
NorthWest Washington. At least we have somewhat varied weather here. But still, I'd be seeing a lot of rain.
jr said:
The graphics look bad though.
dragoon3646 said:
I live in FL, lucky for me it can be cold, hot and rain all in one day (really all in an hour). So I'll get to see everything but snow.
Ultigonio said:
DANG IT! I don't HAVE snow where I live. Somewhere in the middle of nowh- I mean California.
SON of A Wii1-4 said:
My mom won't get the Wii forecast for me. Since I live in Canada, I will get rain, sunshine and snow.
Lloyd said:
Sometimes it rains bullets where I live. Hopefully my character can have a kevlar jacket.
wilover01 said:
rabid rabbid said:
I mean, seriously? Who is really going to play when it's lightning outside?
leila the crow said:
I wonder what the 'peans will wear.
random person said:
When it's raining cats and dogs, that should be interesting.
I still like chao better, but this will be pretty darn cool too I guess.