Wii firmware update 4.2 breaks homebrew

Wii firmware update 4.2 breaks homebrew

The flashing blue light can mean only one thing (well not really), Nintendo has put out a firmware update.

Firmware 4.2 is said to include behind-the-scenes improvements, one of which makes older game discs run more efficiently.

On the negative side for some, the update also completely removes the Homebrew Channel.

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Rob Jones

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Grey said:

If anybody feels like helping a noob out, what's the homebrew channel?


GQ said:

Home brew is when you make coffee at home ;0.

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joe said:

I was just at the Nintendo support forum, and the new 4.2 update is bricking some peoples Wii's that are not modified. Please visit the Nintendo support forum before accepting this update.


insultman911 said:

Damn I knew I shouldn't have downloaded this. I kind of saw it coming but I don't care cause I don't have the homebrew channel anyway.


insultman911 said:

Since most people would probably want to keep their homebrew channels and probably NOT update to 4.2, Nintendo should sweeten up the next Wii update like give 500 extra Wii points for people who updated to 4.3 or something and if people want the 500 points they would need to get rid of their homebrew channel and update to 4.2 first.


Mr Friend said:

The Homebrew Channel is a program for the Wii that runs software off of the SD card. Nintendo doesn't like it because they can't control what programs are written for it, (there are a few emulators that undermine VC). The channel itself looks like any other official Wii channel, but you have to use exploits to get it there.


sanchez said:

The Homebrew Channel emulators run the 8 & 16bit games better than Nintendo.


Jettwinlock said:

I did a review on what homebrew has to offer, if you'd like to see there are videos.


God said:

I'm a superior being who knows all. The truth is that Nintendo hates homebrew development. They say their reason is that the Wii was not designed to run unauthorized content. While this sounds plainly stingy, the truth is that they equate homebrew with piracy. Homebrew does not lead to piracy. The Wii having design flaws which allow exploits leads to piracy. Clearly, Nintendo has the wrong idea. Moving on, the Homebrew development community eventually found a way to modify the Wii's boot sector in such a way that even if Nintendo forced a hombrew killing system update, the firmware could still be overwritten with a backup system and the update effectively removed. This made Nintendo incredibly upset, so they modified the Wii's hardware at the manufacturing phase such that the boot sector would be hard coded and could not be overwritten. Still upset, they set about putting together an update which would simultaneously try to kill homebrew once and for all (they've tried this before), and also would overwrite the boot sector with a file that killed the boot sector exploit. But they didn't think this through, because there were no checks programmed in, just a widespread update push that included code for overwriting the boot sector. Let's recap. They made Wiis that had a hardcoded boot sector, then they pushed an update that was supposed to overwrite the boot sector. The irony of this is, if you haven't figured it out yet, that the Wiis that were destroyed by this were already incapable of loading the exploit. So, all the Wiis that were destroyed were already secure. How about that?


KingreX32 said:

I guess I'm lucky, there were problems like this for the 4.0 update, and like that time my console is still in good shape. I applied this new update too and my console is fine.


Devd91 said:

Will formatting my Wii get rid of the 4.2 update? Because I really want to use the homebrew channel.

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Arindam said:

This problem has been solved: you can run the homebrew channel even if you have updated to firmware version 4.2 (unless you have a Korean Wii). For more info, just look for 'Wii Complete Softmod Guide' on any search engine, and you'll get the information you need.

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