Wii price drop to $199

Wii price drop to $199

A fresh press release from Nintendo says the Wii console will undergo a price drop at retail, starting on September 27th. The new price point is $199.99.

The new $199.99 price delivers the full iconic Wii gaming experience, including the motion-sensing Wiimote, Nunchuk, Wii Sports software and furthers Nintendo's mission to expand the gaming universe by making video games accessible to more consumers.

Smart move by Big N?

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Rob Jones

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Jared said:

"It prints less money now" That's hilarious.


Darunia said:

It's been at the same price for three years, so it's about time. Don't care though, already have mine.


Nintendoof said:

Considering that the 360 and PS3 are both getting price drops, I think this is a smart move. But seriously, who DOESN'T have a Wii?

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Nova said:

Nintendo is a genius money maker. They avoid the need for a price cut for THREE YEARS, WHICH IS INSANE. To answer Nintendoof's question, Nintendo does plenty of market research and has found that a substantial amount (about 50 million) are still in the "potential customer" category.


Darunia said:

Nintendoof: stupid people, that's who.

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Lay-Z Boy said:

About time.


Son Ninja said:

$199 for the Wii, not surprising as past Nintendo consoles had launch with that price tag for years. Now if Nintendo kept the $250 price tag for another three years, that would be insane.


wiiboy101 said:

Wii price drops have nothing to do with sony/microsoft's drops, just because they did it. Nintendo's is a Christmas sales decision and Oct 1st onwards is considered Christmas time, end of year sales, this was coming regardless of sony/microsoft. It's clear Nintendo had their own business plan, not someone else's. Wii continues to disrupt sony/microsoft at profit, sony and microsoft clearly dropped early as a Wii drop was expected. Get it the right way round in your heads. Sony/Microsoft rushed a drop in fear of Nintendo, NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND rollseyes.

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