The president of Nintendo Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that online play for the Wii will be free of charge, without any hidden costs or subscriptions. The DS already supports free online gaming via wi-fi. The Wii is headed for something similar, being wi-fi enabled out of the box users will be able to plug it in and go. This is in contrast with Microsoft who charge a subscription fee to access the Xbox Live service.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
PHiRE said:
Cool news, remains to be seen how many games will actually have online play though.
tabsina said:
This is excellent news, can't wait to play super smash bros online *crosses fingers*.
Koen van Beeck said:
Oh, I thought this was already confirmed.
Uforia77 said:
Sweet, already got obsessed with Wi-Fi from the DS.
quartzlcc said:
Haha owned Xbox!
Darunia106 said:
I knew it! Rock on Wii!
tabsina said:
Koen, it was pretty much expected but this is the first time that it has been officially confirmed (I think).
Orpheon said:
Brilliant! Let's keep the good news rolling and build it all up for a killer of a launch.
some gamer said:
Yes SSBB online.
ss4luigi12 said:
Awesome I can't wait for this. I hope Red Steel will be online. I doubt it but I still hope. Plus SSBB will be awesome.
cattrain said:
The gamecube also had free internet, but how many gamecube games supported internet?
Darunia106 said:
Well Cattrain, the only ones that I know of were Phantasy Star Online episodes 1 & 2 and Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 C.A.R.D. Revolution. Those are the only ones I know of, can anyone else think of any more?
PHiRE said:
That's what I'm worried about, from what I've heard Nintendo are being really slack about the online and most developers don't even have the information on how to use it yet.
ganondorfrules said:
PHiRE has a point, if Nintendo don't know how to access it or use it then the internet on Wii will be useless. Yea I'm pretty sure SSBB will be able to play online because that would increase profits for Nintendo anyway because nearly every fan will buy SSBB eventually because it's one of the top fighting games ever. I think Metroid Prime 3 would be good online and maybe Pokemon Battle Revolution, that would be an experience in gaming for sure.
Epsilon said:
Although PHiRE may have a point, let's not forget about the DS Wi-Fi. It doesn't seem like they've been slack about that. I have a feeling it will be similar for the Wii.
wii thing said:
The online play is going to be better than xbox live and probably better than the ps3.
ganondorfrules said:
Probably better than PS3? No way here's an answer to that: PS3 is a load of shit. The Wii is way better than the xbox 360 and PS3, internet-wise and every other way possible excluding graphics. But who cares about graphics here, graphics mean nothing if the game is fun.
maxone23 said:
Woohoo! Free online on wii. Sweet!
Erick said:
There are 2 that have been confirmed for online play: Super Mario Strikers Charged and Batallion Wars 3.
Hey said:
There needs to be online Zelda Twilight Princess. Hyrule field would be a GIGANTIC Phantasy Star Universe-style lobby were you could talk to Links from anywhere in the world! But alas, conflict brews. The thousands of Links have formed a utopia of heroes and are growing restless with nobody to save. A few years later the Links go crazy! A free-for-all to the death match to find out who is the REAL Link! Only ONE will survive! Only ONE will be the real Link! Dun-duh-duh-duhhhhh! THAT would be some online play for Zelda.
ganondorfrules said:
What is super mario strikers charged?
jo said:
Wow! Wii online! I am so getting a wii no matter what I do.
Man in Green said:
Hey, can anyone tell me where I can reserve a wii? I mean is it too late? Because I'm so excited and every new announcement (such as the one above) makes me even more excited.
Mario said:
Wait so does anyone know if the DS is going to be? And if so how compatible with the Wii? In what ways? Like Gameboy to Gamecube? Because that was nothing special.
random hero said:
Wii connect 24 will automatically download new DS game demos while you sleep, to transfer wirelessly to your DS when you wake up. Kick ass! And I'm presuming they will have games with the DS as an "item" in the game, like the tingle tuner in Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Luke said:
I have been trying to reserve a Wii for a while and whenever I go somewhere that says "Pre-Order/Reserve the Wii" it say you have to wait bit longer until it gets closer to launch time.
Mr. Coffee said:
The reason for that Luke is because Nintendo hasn't released a price or release date so the stores don't know what to charge you. If you wait until the Tokyo Game Show in mid September, they should have a price and date by then.
wii-mote dude said:
Man, that's so awesome. Imagine, swordfighting with the wii-mote ONLINE!
Someone said:
I can't wait to fight all of y'all in some extreme Smash Bros madness.
Wii-man said:
I love Nintendo and always have, but from the point of view of a person who actually owns a 360, the online play is superb. It isn't the least bit lacking, I can only pray the Wii will be better, but don't bash it so badly.
link said:
I'm buying wii on the launch day. Can I start playing online right away?
takin a wii wii said:
Has anyone heard of the gamecubes online play? IT SUCKED, WHO KNOWES what THE WII ONLINE PLAY IS LIKE, but I really do hope its going to be good.
FoolKilla said:
Xbox Live's pricing fees are a result of the small amount of units sold this year. Or maybe they just knew it was coming and added a fee. Oh well, the regular xbox had an online fee.
Scooby!_Jew said:
I hear you have to have a wireless router to enjoy the fruits of wireless WiiConnect24, but who knows. Maybe they'll change that or something.
Christians rule! said:
With the Wii online play can we play vs anybody in the world or only with people who we know and have a friend code of?
Aw man said:
Why am I still stuck with dial-up.
Gonzo said:
If it's free I'm definitely using it.
the real gonzo said:
Wii is better than ps3.
yankee said:
This is kind of raw. But why people I know do not play.