Datel, maker of Freeloader plan on releasing a version for the Wii.
Freeloader is an accessory disc which lets you play games from other regions on your console. Potentially useful if you want to get your hands on games not released in your region, or if you live in ripoff Britain and want to import.
No release date is known as yet, but Freeloader Wii is already under development.
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seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
Locke2007 said:
Awesome. Can't wait since I live in ripoff britain. Cheap(er) imports ftw!
wiiman said:
I think I'm happy with US games but some asian games might be nice. How much would this be?
Proud Wii owner said:
I really hope that comes soon.
Scooby!_Jew said:
Sweet, I think my brothers might get this so they can play some crazy ass Japanese games, but that's about it. I'm not going to get it, US games are good enough I think.
wiiiim said:
Yay at last I can play bleach in my american Wii.
Ekaj185 said:
PhoenixHD said:
Awesome, I am definitely getting this as I also live in ripoff Britain. Soon I'll be able to play Wii games 6 months earlier than the rest of the country and for about 70% of the price.
bugz said:
Nice, it's a shame that lik-sang is down.
Me want Wii said:
Oh my god, gimme gimme GIMME.
Wii Fanbway said:
Sweet! Just hope it'll be out in March for the wii release of Naruto EX.
Ekaj185 said:
Yeah, Sony killed lik-sang. Even now it brings a tear to my eye. Damn you Sony, damn you and all your employees to hell!
oh well said:
What if Nintendo pushes a forced firmware update to every online Wii.
ricky said:
I bought a japenese game pokemon battle revoution and can't wait until the freeloader comes out.
gratuck said:
Yeah very very cool, I really hope that it comes out soon! Honestly region locking has to be the greedyest thing around, most things already work with BOTH NTSC AND PAL. Rock on freeloader!
jimjim said:
That is so good news! As with locke2007 it's too expensive in britain and with games coming out frickin' ages before the uk in america, time for some import games! I love the ds and gba for importing and this is brilliant.
dragonmasterdoo said:
This will be awesome since I bought a copy of Bleach for the Wii while I was in Japan, because I played it while I was there. Although it is one of the worst fighting games I've played, it is still unbelievably fun.
bob said:
Must play naruto EX.
Spaz said:
Can anyone tell me when the ntsc to pal freeloader is coming out please?
Isaac Tedla said:
So you will be able to play Japanese Wii games on your Wii if you live in America?
mattblack said:
Must play naruto and bleach! I hope these japanese Wii games work for Australian versions of the Wii (PAL) with this freeloader.
Branden said:
Can anyone tell me where I can buy one?
Brenn said:
When is it coming out? I want to play naruto ex so damn bad.
Dulce said:
Naruto EX's release date is feb 22, and seems like the freeloader is not going to be ready for that.
CFlippa said:
Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX is out now, all I need is a freeloader. I got my copy already.
ass said:
Does anybody know where to get the freeloader to import japanese Wii games.
Hige said:
Gife freeloader! Can't wait to play bleach.
Muad Dib77 said:
I've seen a version of freeloader for the gamecube that said works with Wii on it. I'm assuming that that'll only work with Gamecube games, but on the Wii as well as GC. Can anybody clarify?
Obvilion said:
My GC Freeloader won't work with Wii.
yomomma said:
I just want to start playin naruto ex, then get some more games as they come out.
wii wii said:
Freeloader with lowercase b on it works on Wii for gamecube games. Uppercase B does not work.
Rhombus said:
Don't need a freeloader for Gamecube games on Wii. Just put in a regional disc, hit start (on screen) and eject at the same time and then put in the non regional game you wish to play.
Spazzy Mcgee said:
All I need is a Wii freeloader and then I can play my Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX.
Dume said:
To clarify some stuff. I've got both Naruto EX and a Wii freeloader, the Wii compatible freeloader only lets you run GC games (you don't actually need it since Rhombus' trick will also work, but it requires some timing). I've already found some NTSC-U/J to PAL "converter" but it doesn't work with Naruto or Bleach yet. So give us Freeloader Datel, we beg you.
Raikage2/5 said:
All I need is a Wii freeloader and then I can play my Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX. Datel hurry up with that freeloader. Does anybody know when it's coming out?
bjack said:
I can't wait for it either, I just want to play naruto EX and probably Bleach. How about someone tries to do Rhombuses trick but with a Nintendo Wii game from japan (who knows it might work).
Terry said:
Sorry to disappoint you all, but it's unlikely that we'll see a Wiiloader (freeloader specifically for Wii games) anytime in 2007. These things are actually very difficult to put together, and Datel have only had their Wii for as long as the rest of us- it's not like Nintendo send them a free one before the release date! So they've only been working on this thing since November. Be patient! Region-free gaming will be ours eventually. On the subject of Nintendo issuing updates that might render the Wiiloader worthless- Datel would simply do the same thing- from their website. You'll hook your SD card up to your PC, get the latest Datel "fix", pop the card in your Wii, and any preventative measures by Nintendo will be circumvented.
zain said:
That is sick, I'm going to tell my cousins in pakistan to send a lot of games over because they're like 100-200 rupees. Can't wait.
nick45 said:
Yes, thank you now I can play that new naruto game, I hope it comes out soon.
Jade Kick said:
Does the swap trick work for the Wii games also?
Tsumaru said:
Will this play GCN games as well?
Zach said:
Heck yeah I can't wait to play One Piece Unlimited Adventure.
Elementrat said:
Hey Zain, I have cousins in Pakistan too and that is an excellent idea. Hooray completely legal importing.
Jesus said:
Does this trick work for Wii games? Like putting in an english game in an english Wii and swapping it for a Japanese *cough NarutoEX! cough* Wii game?
James Ruston said:
I can't wait as well and I think think that Britain is a massive rip off, we have to wait at least 6 months for a game to come out.
cheesepwnage said:
I've seen the Japanese version on youtube and seems to only have about 14 characters. Does seem to have good gameplay but I'm pissed because it doesn't have shika?
cheesepwnage said:
There's enough tacos in naruto! They should have ninj.
Uchiha, Itachi said:
Must have Freeloader. I have a USELESS copy of NS:GNT EX at my house. MUST get this when it comes out.
Fuerzo said:
Does the new freeloader also release in EU pal version.
M said:
Can I use this Datel freeloader to play US games on my Japanese Wii?
Akatsuki0 said:
Probably. But you'd probably need the japanese version. Can't wait until the freeloader comes out. Like many have already said, I really want to play naruto ex.
uzumaki said:
When will the Wii freeloader come out? It's been too long, rumor in stores say action replay for Wii will be released around August to September. But they say the freeloader for Wii will be released late July to early August.
Fuerzo said:
Yes I also really want to play Naruto ex on Wii but guess we need a new freeloader for the Wii. Also I heard the new freeloader only plays gamecube games.
Nick said:
The only reason I want a Wii is for naruto ex. It's my favorite anime and I love the gamecube naruto games. The Wii freeloader can't get here soon enough.
bob said:
Sorry to break your hearts but datel stopped working on the Wii freeloader about 3 months ago because they're working on action replay for Wii.
usoppu-sama said:
I want Hajime no Ippo and One Piece games! America also needs more mii games besides Wii Sports. Can't wait for Datel to finish it up and release it. Maybe they'll do an Action Replay/Freeloader disc together.
unknown9191 said:
Can the action replay Wii play imported Wii games?
blah blah said:
Datel better make it before 2008 because I need it before 2008. 2008 is my deadline.
felix said:
Hmm so this Wii freeloader can play imported Wii games like naruto or bleach on american Wii?
eripmav said:
I see Datel still haven't been assed to make any form of announcement.
maurice said:
Please hurry up.
Fuerzo said:
It seems that the new freeloader doesn't play import Wii games, but gamecube games. Guess we need to wait until the new freeloader comes. By the way, a new action replay for Wii games? Yeah why not.
Mike said:
OK so does anyone at all know when there is going to be a release date? Because I have the Naruto Shippuden EX and I have been dying to play it for like 2 months now.
Wiii said:
I live in ripoff britain.
Rob said:
I also in rip-off Britain, and we ain't getting a Guilty Gear XX Accent Core UK release.
Hitsugaya said:
I'm so mad, just found out that my gamecube freeloader won't work because of that update Nintendo made. The freeloader won't work on the Wii now! Anyone know if it's the same for the wiiloader. I'm really getting pissed off because now I wasted my money on naruto shippuuden if this is true. Anyway, please reply peoples. If the wiiloader becomes useless. I'm going to go straight to Nintendo and hyourinmaru is going to beat the crap out of Nintendo.
Duncan Stigwood said:
I just got myself a Japanese Wii on eBay. Couldn't wait for the wiiloader any longer.
Jen said:
Aghh thank god. I bought my Wii in hong kong and it's a bitch when I can't get money on my paypal, bring on the freeloader!
yo mom said:
Why is everyone still talking about Naruto EX when EX 2 comes out later this year? It will have Sasuke in and looks awesome. I doubt that the "wiiloader" will be out this year.
Sasori said:
Yo Mom is right. I mean EX 2 is coming out, heard something about September 22- 23, but I think that's a play testing thing at a local Japanese Convention, I don't read japanese so I wouldn't know sorry. As for the freeloader, I just hope it comes out soon cause I would really like to start playing imported games.
Narusuke said:
Sasori is right. I want to get my hands on Ex 2. It's a great game with Sasuke. Please hurry making that Freeloader, Datel.
Devon said:
It's been how many months and it still didn't come out, hurry up.
Itachi Uchiha said:
I'm definitely going to order this now and play naruto gekitou taisen ex. Just like Ultimate Accel.
Deidara said:
What, it's like 10 months later, and Datel still hasn't come out with anything! I am going to go insane if this "Wiiloader" doesn't come out by 2008.
Reningan said:
Oh my god I can't wait for a Wii-Freeloader! It will be Great! Ho YeHa.
shippuudenxlove said:
Can't wait! I want to play naruto shippuuden for Wii right now!
Woohah said:
I don't think it's going to be made. Been too long.
Gaara said:
Yea this will be sick. I live in rip off Britain and I really want to play great titles like Naruto clash of ninja revolution because it's not coming to UK and things like NGT EX 2 because we won't get that until like 2011? And Bleach shattered blade 1 and 2 because it takes like half a year and Japan has moved onto like the 5th title in the series.
Anonymous said:
It's been 1 year since they announced it, I hope they make it quick, I might go crazy if they don't.
HOLA said:
Wow, they better make it quick. I'll only get it if it comes out a month before our March release date of Super Smash Brawl.
Chuck Norris said:
*prays that freeloader arrives in time for US Brawl release* Stupid NoE.
yellowflash said:
Oh my god. There still isn't any news on the Wii loader and I just bought my copy of NGT EX 2 and I can't even play. Please if anyone knows anything on the freeloader do tell.
Lex Cardentey said:
I bought the new Wii FreeLoader and Naruto EX, the game does not work with it, I tried every method with no success. I emailed Datel/Codejunkies and the answer received was "unfortunately Naruto EX is not compatible with the Wii Loader. We apologize for the inconvenience".
Ligoku said:
I bought the new super smash bros brawl out of the USA and got a Wii freeloader with it, but somehow it doesn't seem to work. Could someone tell me what to do so it works? I live in England.
Ozzie said:
Ligoku, did you try double booting the freeloader? For some people you need to do this the first time you play SSBB, that is, put the FL in, take it out, put it in again, then put in SSBB. That should fix your problem (I had the same issue and panicked!) After the first time you should be able to use the FL normally for SSBB.
jen jen said:
My uncle very kindly brought me back 4 Wii games from Bali but they won't work on my Wii so I hope that the freeloader will play them! Come out soon.
Meeko said:
Will Freeloader work on any version of the Wii? I got Ver 4.3.
Zefie K said:
Woot! Finally, Negima and all my anime games will be on my Wii without any craptastic 4Kids dubbing.