Wii FreeLoader available!

Wii FreeLoader available!

Wow, some cool news for pretty much anyone who has an interest in importing games from other regions. The Wii FreeLoader has been released by CodeJunkies! You can bet I'll be picking one of these up.

Wii FreeLoader lets users play any Wii or GameCube game from any region via the usual disc-swap method. Features:

  • Play ANY region of Wii or GameCube game on ANY Wii.
  • Easy to use.
  • No console modification required.
  • Doesn't invalidate warranty.
  • Play games never released in your region.
  • Play local games on your imported console.
  • 100% unofficial.

CodeJunkies official page

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Rob Jones

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david k said:

I don't know if I'll get this. I need to know one thing first, will Nintendo be able to release a patch to block usage of this?


Tennindo said:

Hmmm I don't like this because I do no see the official Nintendo stamp, which means Nintendo DOES NOT make this. Use it at your own RISK.


DEL said:

That's good timing with Resident Evil Zero just being announced for a Japanese only release.


ToTaLgAmEr said:

I don't think I'll ever get games from other regions so I don't think I need this.


Wii Rox said:

Does this work on EVERY game, so you can play an imported ssbb on an EU Wii?


WiiWorldRules said:

Brawl time for england.


wiimaster said:

Yes! Ordering one this weekend! Let's hope Nintendo doesn't mess with it or I'll stop buying Nintendo products.


Wiipaw said:

Yay! DreamGirl Hentai Date Sim for me! No, but seriously, this is really cool. Too bad there are no Wii games worth importing yet that aren't coming to the US.


BrAwL said:

Cool, but meh. I doubt I'd use that, but tons of people will.


Seth said:

Hell yes omfg I want this.


Senpai said:

HA. In your face capcom. I'm gettin zero dangit.


The Yoshi Guy said:

YIPEE! Manhunt 2 from Holland, anyone?


MANdrew said:

So can you get the Japanese version of brawl if you had it right now?


sonicblast23 said:

What does it mean by unofficial?


joey24 said:

I would like to get it, it's just the problem of if a firmware update makes it unusable.


ssbbssbbssbb said:

Time to go get myself a copy of SSBB from Japan.


TruBlu said:

Unofficial means it's published by a third-party company, not Nintendo. So you can't get a refund for a defective product, or if it screws with your Wii.



Awesome, screw the European version of No More Heroes.

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