Some new information about the Wii version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game has surfaced. Jeff Mills from Red Fly Studios (the developers) commented:
"The storyline from the next-gen version will be carried out in its entirety in our game, but our primary focus is on multiplayer. So we'll reproduce everything you do in the game, but then we'll repurpose the maps for various multiplayer things and introduce new maps for multiplayer scenarios as well".
Graphically Wii's game will have a more cartoon-based style. Some good news is that we won't be playing a PS2 port. Wii is the lead platform for development, and then the game is being scaled down for the PS2.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
DragonFoxCoon said:
So the 360 version isn't the lead game?
Erik said:
I don't know how you guys feel about this, but I certainly don't mind more multi-platform Wii games having cartoon graphics in place of visuals seen in XBox 360 or PS3. I understood that when I purchased the Wii I was trading away high-end processing power for unique controls, a cheaper price, and more social-oriented gaming. I just hope that, this year, developers stop simply porting PS2 graphics over; it's lazy and doesn't take advantage of what the machine can actually do. Not to mention, a cartoon-like presentation would fit the theme of Ghostbusters very well. I want to see how this game turns out, it has a lot of potential, and I'm glad that the developers seem to be putting effort into making a unique experience on Wii.
wiicloud9 said:
Woooow. Guess the Wii wants to show its ability of a 3d cartoony style on it.
Scooby Jew said:
Well put, Erik. A little lengthy, but you got the point across better than I could. It really pisses me off when developers port PS2 games onto the Wii because it's like they don't see any potential in the Wii's graphics and that we won't notice the difference. Basically a slap in the face for Wii owners. What they don't realize is how successful the Wii is and how many customers there are out there to sell to. Far more than PS3 and Xbox 360. But, that's just what I think about their porting BS.
Keranu said:
I read about this in a magazine scan (which had more details). I was hoping they would go for more realistic graphics like the 360 and PS3 version will have since it would make it feel more like a Ghostbusters movie, but as a game I'm excited about using the Wiimote and playing multiplayer.
luwiigi said:
So, by cartoon graphics, does it mean something like Team Fortress 2, or like a Spongebob Squarepants Movie game?
wiiboy101 said:
You have just fallen for a developers blatant lying, Wii is 100% capable of ghostbusters ps3 graphics when coded correctly and resolution capped at 480p. HD is not polygons etc, the Wii is not "UNDERPOWERED" at 480p and it's clearly capable of realistic graphics. The 3rd parties want you to believe what they're saying so you buy a ps3 and support their costly developed games. It's the anti-Nintendo strange mentality that clearly exists in the gaming industry. The reason Wii gets a cartoon version is simple - it's a damn lazy ps2 port and the developers are trying to brainwash you that it's a Wii game. Please gamers see through the smoke and mirrors, the cash went on x360/ps3 so Wii gets the leftovers as it's easy to code and it gets a ps2 port over with wiimote tacked on. That's TOTALLY unacceptable. Wii can't do this and that is total nonsense, resident evil 4 gamecube kicked graphical ass and was very photo realistic. Yet Wii, a damn sight more powerful can not do it? Blatant lies.
Aeth said:
Actually many games don't use platforms to their full potential. Developers are afraid they'll overload it if they make the game reach the platforms limit.
hbh said:
I can just imagine using the wiimote to catch ghosts. I'm hoping this will be cool.
corey said:
Simply put, this is stupid. The Wii is more than capable of having true to life looking characters and I'm sure Wii owners (myself included) would much rather see them implement somewhat realistic looking characters, especially for a game like this which should deliver a "movie like" experience. I don't care about multiplayer. That is a distant second to presentation of the story and feel of the game. As a HUGE Ghostbusters fan, and a Wii owner this is more than disappointing. Come on, look at Resident Evil 4! That game kicks ass. If anyone important is reading this, PLEASE take a large percentage of pages out of Capcom's masterpieces book. God dammit.
dave said:
A cartoon style is fitting in my opinion. I liked the Real Ghostbusters cartoon the most anyway.
Dark Star said:
I would have personally preferred a Luigi's Mansion sequel over this, but if it's good enough I might get it.
paulio monkey said:
Luigi's mansion should be locked in a dark cell. Ghostbusters on the other hand will be cool and refreshing to see.
Mr bonz said:
Sierra, have you ever heard of a game called Metroid Prime 3 Corruption? No, well that's a shame. Because if you did, you wouldn't be making this mistake. It's got next-gen like graphics, it kind of looks like your xbox / ps3 ghostbusters. Yet sadly, you chose to treat it like a mentally challenged person making "easy" to comprehend. Why are you doing this? The Wii isn't retarded. It's got potential. However you chose to port the PS2 version of it, because you're too lazy to do the other versions. You suck balls. Put some effort in it. The game looks so awesome yet I won't be able to get the true experience because once again, a company is too lazy to make a Wii port. Put some damn effort.
Mr bonz said:
It's me again. Sorry for the misconnection. Turns out the PS2 version is a port of the Wii version. Though this is a little better, it still doesn't satisfy me. Sierra for the love of everything, make it look realistic like the others.
Ganon said:
Ganon here to tell you some good news. This game is not a Ps2 port. It's actually the same xbox 360/ps3 port minus some altered characterization. Plus there will be co-op mode that the other platforms won't have. The Ps2 version will be the one that will be toned down, not the Wii. Secondly, Red Fly is actually putting some effort unlike most third parties. Finally, the Wii version may or may not look the same as the others. However the game looks good nevertheless. And I am glad that Red Fly decided to treat Wii like a next gen system and not a Ps2 port. One more thing; just because it's cartoony doesn't mean it's kid orientated. Have any of you ever heard of South Park?
Jose Rivera said:
I have been a Ghostbusters fan since 1984. I have been an Wii fan since it was released. I own all movies, soundtracks and toys and I was so excited about the new game. But the Wii graphics just don't make my wish come true. Developers, marketing team: correct this before the market share of the most sold console get disappointed and you don't sell what you need to break even. I am telling you this: handle Wii market with caution, original Ghostbusters fans are now in their 30s and with small children (Wii main market).