Most used TV web browser is Wii

Most used TV web browser is Wii

According to the good people at Opera, Wii's own Internet Channel is the world's most popular app for browsing the web using a TV set. Opera's CEO, Jon von Tetchner spoke highly of their penetration into living rooms and amicable partnership with Big N:

"We have a good relationship with Nintendo. The recent addition of the DSi browser has been provided for free and that's a movement in the right direction. We're extremely happy about the fact that Opera on Wii is the most used device to browse on televisions, that is the biggest volume of users. We feel the browser is a great user experience and working with Nintendo was very good. They challenged us, and we challenged them, it's clear that they're very focused on making easy to use applications for their hardware".

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Rob Jones

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star turtle said:

Maybe now that they see how much people use it, maybe they will make a better version. Or maybe Nintendo will improve their servers.


wiiboy101 said:

It's due an update, there was talk of one. It needs a flash player update. It was rumored opera were adding tabs to Wii browser, tapping flashdrive would give more browser ram I think.

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Nova said:

Well I can't imagine there are too many tv web browsers out there anyway, but still pretty cool.


StarTurtle said:

Does the PS3 have an internet browser?


Son Ninja said:

Now we need an updated browser that could play Flash media video. That way I could watch those better quality game trailers that are not on YouTube.


Darunia said:

We need an internet update on the dsi. You can't watch any videos!

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Nova said:

I'm pretty sure the ps3 at least used to have an internet browser, I don't know about now though. I can imagine it's pretty hard to use with a controller and not a pointer.

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