Wii sold out already

Wii sold out already

According to a report by the Associated Press, Wii has sold out in retail outlets across the US.

Despite the large demand and fast sales the release went smoothly. This is contrast to the PS3's launch which saw police stepping in to maintain order over crowds of angry retards at several stores around the US.

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Rob Jones

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theDancingPenguin said:

Yeah it was really bad. I was all excited about going to get one, but all eleven of the stores I went to were sold out. I'll be waitin' Wii!


Zelda-dude said:

That's so sweet! Just thinking about it gives me a good prediction that it's going to be available by Christmas.


Ras said:

Shows you the maturity and greed of the sony crowd. Just kidding, that's quite a broad statement but it is sad what took place at the PS3 launch. By the way, the Wii is fabulous and I can't wait to see what developers do with its controls.


Mixman said:

I got one yay!


Wii-Worshiper said:

Well it was inevitable. We all knew it would come.


cubeboy101 said:

Wii launched last yet is already userbase number 2. We'll have your place x360 by early 2007 and by Christmas 07 Wii shall dominate.


Scooby!_Jew said:

Hahaha, "angry retards". That's all Sony fanboys will ever be. Anyways, I'm glad to see that the release went smoothly and Nintendo sold out like I knew it was going to. Now all we have to look forward to is how great the Christmas launch is going to be.

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eric said:

I know! This stinks, I can't find a Wii anywhere! But there is hope, I called some stores and asked when they were going to get a new shipment, they said in time for Christmas (hopefully).


cubeboy101 said:

Could you imagine paying a gazillion dollars for ps3, sitting at home with your prehistoric control pad and Commodore 64 tapedeck like load times, hearing some giggles looking into your neighbours window and seeing all the Wii fun going on. Talk about the penny dropping ha ha, that's when the embarrassment will hit the sony goons.


Nancy said:

I was #25 out of 26 available at Toys R Us in Buffalo, with only a 2 1/2 hour wait. What a feeling. Haven't even broken out Zelda yet. 5 hours of playing the sports pack. Amazing physics in this thing.


googoodolls said:

This sucks, I was hoping to get my Wii soon. Guess I'll have to wait until Christmas when the new shipments come in.


googoodolls said:

Anyone notice the Wii looks like an SD memory card? With one flat corner and 3 pointed ones. Just thought I'd point that out.


floopy doop said:

I can't believe I got a Wii! Out of the hundreds of people who wanted a Wii, I got one. WOO HOO!


Owlboy said:

Let me just say that I own my Wii and they are worth the wait SO MUCH FUN how did I get one? It helps to work at gamestop where they let us know ahead of time when preorders take place.


quartzlcc said:

Well, I saw two in a game store in Washington but that was one day after release. Yesterday however, yeah, pretty much a clean shave at Fred Meyer with no consoles and only a few games and controllers!


u.n.l.u.c.k.y. said:

I got the Wii, but nunchuk controllers are getting hard to find.


Amazon Kevin said:

I got mine!


Elementrat said:

I live in a tiny little town with a 60 year old movie theater. We don't even have a wal-mart. Yet our local PAMIDA(!) had wii's in stock. That just shows how many Nintendo was able to ship out. Our Pamida is notorious for not having anything even remotely (lol bad pun :p) interesting. However they got a shipment of Wiis. Amazing huh? Go big N! Oh yeah and I have to wait until January to get a Wii.


Skax459 said:

At first I thought meh, but I'm definitely getting one now. If I can find one.


amp said:

Our town of 3000 people got two in at our local pamida (no walmart) and I got one yay! Best damn thing I've played ever, can't wait to see some of the games and ideas to incorporate the new controls.


the green monkey said:

You guys are lucky, up here (Canada) there's nothing, after like 2 hours every Wii and controller was gone. Now I'm gonna have to skip class to go line up at best buy.


Chris said:

Good luck Skax. Oh by the way any Canadians who live in the Vancouver BC area, I recommend trying willow video in willowbrook. They always have new systems ready for the sale.


floopy doop 2 said:

I'm not that surprised. Except for the fact I actually got one!


wii crazy said:

I have been looking at the Wii for over 2 years now and I woke up on November 19 (the release date) at 3:00 in the morning and there were about 500 people waiting at 9 of my stores! I am so mad! Ever since that day I have been calling each store and asking if they have them. And if they do I race up to the store to find that there are already 100 people and only 8 wiis coming in! Aaa!


Janessa said:

5 months after release and still no wii's in northern new york, agh!


kitkat said:

Can't get a Wii anywhere!


no said:

I am ruined without a Wii. What am I going to get for x-mas.


Rosa said:

I went to Pamida in Syracuse, IN and found one.


RoxY said:

My friend gave me a best buy gift card which worth 200, the only thing I want to buy is a Wii! Where are they, when will they come out again?

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