Virtual Console cheer from Sega

Virtual Console cheer from Sega

Starting on Christmas eve and lasting until January 6th, Sega are reducing the prices on some of their key franchises on Virtual Console.

Wii shoppers will be able to pay 500 Points for these games, instead of the usual 800:

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Rob Jones

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Captain Jamesman said:

That's cool and all, problem is I already got most of these games on my 360 copy of "Sonic's Ultimate GENESIS Collection". At least Gunstar Heroes and ToeJam & Earl ain't one of them.


YoshLee said:

I already own the Sonic Mega Collection on GC and most of the genesis games on one platform or another, but nice gesture Sega.


Steve J 2049 said:

Also, why don't they have Sonic & Knuckles for virtual console? (Sonic 3 is awesome with Sonic & Knuckles).


Gremlen said:

Man, who do I have to kill to get a decent Rpg on this thing? I can't believe the lack of square rpgs on the VC. I'd buy them up like bottled water.


WiiNinja said:


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