A monthly magazine in Japan called CoroCoro claims to know Zelda's special moves in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and lists them thus:
The Twilight Change is a transformation of some kind, but into what is unclear. Some translators are suggesting a Twilight version of Shiek.
Zelda's final smash is apparently called Light Arrow.
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spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Maybe she transforms into Midna? That would be both odd and cool.
Link Q said:
But zelda wasn't midna. Maybe midna gives her power to zelda?
Aeth said:
Hmm, so what does this make the official rumor count, 3? Krystal being playable, Leon Kennedy being a character (not known if playable or just Assist Trophy), and now Zelda's moves. But back on subject, it is known that designs for Shiek and Ganondorf have been submitted along with Link to match Brawl's looks.
Rags said:
I want Shiek. Maybe Wolf Zelda? But Midna would be kind of cool.
wiicloud9 said:
Midna? Nah. Although they do have connections in TP anyhow. Plus, Midna DOES become a hot princess, doesn't she?
DragonFoxCoon said:
The first three moves are the ones she had in Melee. Being as her transformation move is called "Twilight Change", I'll assume that she'll change into someone from Twilight Princess. Don't you love it when I state the obvious?
Crazy Hand said:
FINALLY. Something on Zelda's moves. Zelda to Midna? One princess for another? Sounds awesome to me. I guess Light Arrow could work either as a horizontal blast move, or like Snake's Grenade Launcher move, where Zelda gets free range shooting at the players from the fourth wall. Seems strange that Light Arrow isn't her Down Smash move and Twilight Change isn't her Smash Move. Oh well.
MrWii said:
The moves are just the same as in Melee, I'm kind of disappointed.
SSB4LIFE said:
Please turn into Sheik! Please turn into Sheik.
Dark Star said:
Combine the last move with the mention of Sheik's being in Brawl almost guarantees that Sheik is playable. The only other possibility, which is very unlikely, was mentioned by JosephTheSquirrel. And like I said very unlikely.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I think it's still going to be sheik, but a twilight sheik would be awesome. I think that sheik deserves to be in this game more than the ice climbers.
Kenny said:
Nice. Sakurai has yet to update her moves. We got three character updates in a row, maybe monday will be four.
hbh said:
I'm a little suspicious, but that would be cool.
BonbonJoe said:
Joseph, that wouldn't have anything to do with the story.
Jimmysilverrims said:
I don't belive anything if it ain't from the Dojo. This could be nothing.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Maybe a wolf, like wolf-link or Shiek.
YoshLee said:
I have no clue what twilight change could be, but her final smash she obviously uses the light arrows (possibly while riding Epona) that she used against ganondorf. I've played twilight princess, awesome game.
Master Foot said:
At least someone besides Sakurai spoiled this one.
Rising Pheonix said:
YES! The ninja assassin from the bowels of Hell is back for her taste for blood and she comes in the form of, SHEIK! (my favorite character).
Senpai said:
I would like if she transformed into her possed version. Also, light arrow must be just like in the last part of tp.
Xfe said:
I think it would be cool if she turned into Midna. But I think Minda should be an actual character and her final smash be the princess version of her or something.
Sion said:
Could she transform into Twilight princess. Perhaps.
Wiipaw said:
JosephTheSquirrel, don't talk about Midna! *sobs* oh, why did you leave me, Midna? WHY !*sobs*.
smash fan x said:
How come there has been no moves or final smash released for Zelda? Yesterday I looked at all the characters and only Olimar and Zelda's final smashes have yet to be revealed.
Super King said:
I'm thinking she'll turn into the same Sheik, maybe a newer model, but the transformation will be dark and twilighty instead of bright and magicky like in Melee.
ipostedthisonmywii said:
What! No, she should be doing a lot of her twilight zelda moves during when you have to fight her. Not ocarina of time moves.
Wii said:
Maybe she turns into the Twilight version of herself.
Game Veteran 2 said:
Light arrow? Zelda used that to help you defeat ganondorf in WindWaker.
Fishmon said:
Actually, I'm pretty sure they said it was Eldin's Fire, Lanayru's Love, and Faron's Wind. I doubt they're really any different, but those are the names of the provinces in TP.
JamofDeath44 said:
I hope Midna gets in, I don't even care if it makes sense. Like if Mario turned into Midna, I just want her to be playable.
pcamtz said:
Twilight Change has been proved wrong, CoroCoro only revealed three of Zelda's moves.
Plaugefiend said:
I highly doubt it. Midna is the twilight princess, they are two different characters.
Nova said:
Midna is never Zelda. They wouldn't interchange like that because it never happened. Nintnedo wants the game to be accurate.
iFan said:
I don't believe that source any more because it lied about the character roster.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I've heard a lot from corocoro, but what exactly is it?
Erica said:
It probably is a Twilight version of Shiek. I guess that would be kind of cool.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I'm waiting for the Shiek update.
mr guy said:
We'll just have to wait and see.
You know who would be a cool character, Zant.
Epsilon said:
Hmm, they wouldn't remove Shiek, that's practically guaranteed. Light Arrow as her final smash makes sense as she aids you in the final battle in Wind Waker with light arrows, so maybe.
YoshLee said:
I've never finished wind waker but I know she used light arrows in twilight princess.
ipostedthisonmywii said:
I think it would be cool if Link could turn into beast form.
Aeth said:
Because of Midna's popularity she might be turned into an Assist Trophy like Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy. Remember, with the introduction of Assist Trophies we can now have more characters than ever before.
ganon man 62 said:
This was proven false. There was no down special on the corocoro card, just bad translations. Her final smash is light arrow though.
its me said:
You can use sheik but when the match is starting if you hold the right button but I don't remember which button.
Lord Quincey said:
Funny how they left Midna out of this when she had all the great aspects of being a brawler. If she was in the game though, her moves would have probably been based off of Zelda's, example would be transformation from Imp Minda to Princess Midna. Her final smash probably could have been the weird 8 armed thing in TP when she used the fused shadows. I think it would have been great to have her in Brawl as opposed to certain chars like (just my opinion) Pokemon trainer. The thing that gets me is she apparently does not exist. If that's the case who is replacing the bridge in the bridge of eldin area? Well whatever, Brawl is excellent because of (again just my opinion) LINK!