Not much of an update today for Super Smash Bros Brawl. It's about Zero Suit Samus.
Apparently when she loses her suit she becomes a lot faster. The gun in her hand can also be used as a whip, giving her a longer reach.
Bill never stood a chance.
Very good Samus. Now show us why.
Where's your god now, Pit.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
Scooby Jew said:
Sakurai could have at least told us if she could be playable without the smash ball. This is pretty intense now because I think I'm going to have to wait 5 months before I'll know the answer to that.
ben said:
This isn't anything new.
Game Veteran 2 said:
Lol, good comment on screenshot 3.
Gamefreak said:
Love the 3rd caption.
smash fan x said:
When I saw the page on the website I first thought zero suit could be a whole other character not a final smash. Alas I was wrong.
Can someone explain what the second picture meant I'm a little slow.
lickwid said:
Skin tight suit. Whip. This isn't getting kind of risky at all Nintendo.
Wiipaw said:
I hear Samus is dating Reggie.
Pescador Gama said:
Now she's hotter than peach or zelda. Apart from the perv way of thinking, it's still amazing for me that now she is 2 characters in one. Always wanted a little more fast samus aran, this is Samus Week on the SSBB page!
pichu fan said:
Bring some real news, we already knew she was going to be in it. Please reveal characters that we don't know.
eric ♥ wii said:
Does she change into the morphball thing in this game?
Master Foot said:
The Varia Suit must stay off from now on.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Really? Only through Final Smash? No transform-ala-Zelda? Lame. I hope this isn't the case.
Zendalf said:
smash fan x said:
Frankly every update this week (except deoxys) has sucked. Sakurai needs to put something REAL good tomorrow, like shadow because I was playing shadow the hedgehog today and I was shooting everything in sight. It was like grand theft hedgehog.
Hey said:
That should be "Where are your gods now, Pit?". Remember, he's polytheistic. I'm going to leave my Beavis and Butthead jokes about Samus's chest out of this though.
Name123 said:
Nice captions.
Sonic Phantom said:
This is confusing me, I thought maybe you could be Samus (with the suit) and Zero Suit Samus.
divinity boy said:
Yeah, I think it sucks that you can only play ZSS through a smash ball. Because what if I want to be normal samus. I hope they change it so that they are separate characters.
KOOL-AID said:
I never liked this Zero Suit Samus character idea. First it basically killed MegaMan's chances of getting into the game. I mean they were too similar to get off with, and now she has the laser sword which I believe MegaMan pulled out at certain times (you know a short quick attack). Now she is screwing up gameplay. I just hope the smashball is an item so I can turn it off when I'm playing with her.
smash fan x said:
Now why didnt wii's world post an update of today's ssbb update? It was freaky and the weirdest one yet. C'mon post one, I want to talk smash.
- - said:
Totally agree smash fan x. Looked like the sandbag with legs and a face.
Nickhead said:
Her style is kicking.
luigi16 said:
She is hot.
Oh shoot there's samus my little doll! Oh my god I love her so much.
DaylessNight said:
Smash fan x, don't complain to me if this is wrong, but the update you're talking about could be about the rumored co-op mode.
insultman911 said:
What happens when zero suit samus grabs a smash ball? Or maybe only one smash ball appears for each fight.
David said:
She is not playable without the smash ball.
wii addict said:
When she gets the smash ball she gets her suit back.
davyt 0247 said:
Regular (armored) Samus brings her morphball bombs back for another round, eric.