Wii owners, how often do you use your Wii? | ||
Every day, baby! | 810 | |
Every week | 548 | |
Every month, I kinda suck | 76 | |
Hardly ever, I'm dead inside | 91 | |
Total votes: 1525 |
Yes | 562 | |
No | 553 | |
Maybe | 374 | |
Total votes: 1489 | Comments |
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Dave the Man Dave said:
Even if I can't find the time between school and work to play, I always manage to get a little in. I check the weather and news every morning too.
the smash master said:
I use it every day.
wiiplayer said:
I always play Wii.
Goosenapper said:
MLB Power Pros has certainly given me reason to boot it up more often lately. However, most of the time I turn it on, it's to play VC games like Bonk, Mario 64, or Wonderboy. I still can't help but long for a new Pilotwings game on Wii, and I'm sure I'd turn that on daily if it ever hits retail.
Stinky12694 said:
Yeah, every day, although I do skip a day sometimes.
lman07 said:
I need games, hmm like Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I still play it every week though.
ssbb lover said:
They should have another option for every two days.
Erik said:
It makes sense that Wii owners use the system less overall than, say, XBox 360 owners. After all, the console is geared toward the casual gamer, and that's the kind of gamer who doesn't play video games every single day. It doesn't mean it's a sucky console (as Sony fanboys would be quick to point out), it's simply used by a different demographic than other systems. Given the fresh titles coming out for Q4 and into 2008, people will be playing Wii more often.
Nintendoof said:
Who buys a Wii and doesn't play it?! I play it at least once a week because school is here again.
WiiNinja said:
How else will I get Brawl updates while sitting on the couch?
David K said:
When I get a new game, it's every day for the next 2 weeks (I just got mysims). After that it's only like once every 2 days, but I've had mine since launch and used it about 90% of all days.
Super King said:
Speaking of playing Wii. I just got to my favorite part in Twilight Princess (won't give it away. Though honestly, who hasn't beaten it yet?) so why aren't I playing right now! Quit distracting me, WW.
Sckianta said:
Metroid in the vein. Until the end. And also blackhanded godfather. Yeahhh.
Yoshi-1up said:
Needs more online multiplayer games. People will play more when Mario Galaxy and Brawl come out.
Bonbonjoe said:
I put Every week, but it's kind of Every other day.
Kitchwa said:
I play every day. But they should know, once they get all these awesome games out over in the PAL region (GH3, MP3) I will be glued to my Wii.
mr guy said:
Every day but it's mostly on paper mario, super mario 64, super mario bros., kirby's adventure, or f-zero X.
Gonzo said:
I'm not supposed to play on weekdays, because I have school. But, since I come home before my parents, I just play. They don't find out.
Zendalf said:
I've got too much school to play every day so I just save it for weekends.
Stinky12694 said:
New mario galaxy videos are making me explode in joy, probably be playing that for a while.
BrothaZ said:
My parents don't know about my Wii. Kind of hard to play it when theyre home so I went with once a week.
a wii gamer said:
I'll be playing even more when medal of honor heroes 2 comes out with the online multiplayer.
Mr Friend said:
Keep in mind if you check a Wii news site you are more likely to play Wii more frequently. So this poll isn't going to get the whole picture. Quick somebody suggest this to Everybody Votes.
Super King said:
Having this poll on the Everybody Votes channel would be a paradox!
Link Q said:
I don't often play Wii because I don't buy games often (they are not cheap).
B Darius said:
I play my Wii mostly every week. I don't really have much time because of School.
Doc-Yoshi said:
I'd play it all the time! If I had one.
WiiNinja said:
Nobody wants to feel dead inside.
pichu fan said:
I play a lot on saturday and sunday.
wiiville said:
Who doesn't play their Wii every day. Now since I got thrillville off the rails I play 4-7 (4 hours 7 days).
ssbbfanatic said:
If super smash brothers brawl was out I would play 24/7, but now I play every week.
AlexKidd said:
I'm not on it much because I lost my internet connection. Hence why I haven't posted in months. It feels good to be back.
Gonzo said:
Now that I have NBA Live and MP3, I still play every day.
anonymous said:
I play like, every 2 days because I don't have many games which I can get any farther in.
Peach is #1 said:
School slows me down.
Smash Champion said:
Try this poll AFTER Brawl comes out. Then you'll see how often the Wii is supposed to be used.
vector said:
I usually play all the time, but my wiimote & nunchuck were recently taken away.
Kirby rulez said:
Every day, baby.
doglover said:
All I have for it is Pokemon Battle Revolution, Wii Sports, and Wii Play.
Paul said:
Every weekend. School.
cassie said:
I don't have a Wii, I'm getting one for Christmas.
macdaddy said:
At least once a week. I try to save it for weekends as I usually end up playing until 3am.
barbara said:
I would love to own a Wii. I'm getting one in march and guess what! I'm going to be playing with it every 2 hours.
sam said:
I don't stop looking at a tv, I never come out of my bedroom (only to buy more games and get food and drink).
insultman911 said:
I'm getting a Wii for christmas too, but I can only play on the weekends and fridays.
WiPeS said:
All the time, but now brawl is coming out I'll be on even more.
GiGANTOR said:
If not every day, every other day, because sometimes I'm busy.
vector said:
I play it when I can, but my mom always takes them away. But at least I'm 10 so I don't sound like a 40 year old.
sailor moon girl said:
I play every day.
Shin Ares said:
I played Wii with my girlfriend every day and I'm amazed how Wii can convert my "game-hate" girlfriend into "wii-craze".
Wiiguy said:
I play Wii a lot, not every day because of school but I usually play for four or three days per week.
Toddwon said:
Every day. I have 16 games, love them all.
mac said:
I play every chance I get.
who man said:
Wii rocks! I play it every moment I can. One day I played for 8 hours without noticing.
Lay-Z Boy said:
I will play Wii about every day when I get one for Christmas.
The Yoshi Guy said:
I just got my Wii for Christmas! My mom rented me Super Mario the next day and I love it.
ToNy C said:
I play my new Wii every day. I have to share the tv with my family so I don't get to play it as much as I would like to. We need more Wii shooting games.
Berster said:
It's against the law not to play on your Wii.
yomoma said:
Every day of every month.
TheBuggattiPenguin said:
I play mine about twice a day! Once in the morning before school and once at night after school. Sometimes I play it three times a day.
wii man said:
I use my Wii every week with everything going on.
Grant[[FerSure]]? said:
I'd say once a week but once it's on I just canny stop playing. I had to explain to my brother why it said MP3 for 24 hours ahah.
Smash Bros 4 Ever said:
Every hour of my life! Wii is much better than sony and microsoft give it credit for.
onlybowseruser said:
I play once every 2 days! Brawl is awesome but I have lots of schoolwork to do.
wii dude said:
Every day you never know when a new update will be and the games are just fantastic to play.
BestAtBrawl said:
I try to play the Wii every day, especially since I got Brawl about 3 weeks ago. Of course, recently, homework has taken me about 3 hours to complete, unlike the original 30-minutes it took before Brawl came out. Even before Brawl came out, I still played the Wii daily (except for that 1 or 2 month period when it was just collecting dust, but that was before I got my new computer). Probably will continue to play the Wii daily. Even if I never get Mario Kart Wii, which is coming out this month. Brawl is the only game I play (even after almost 3 weeks of almost non-stop gaming), I just can't stop! Unless my parents boot me off.
Lay-Z Boy said:
Every day man! Brawl is my game!
hopeful said:
I love the Wii! I won't let it waste like that, let alone how much it cost. I use it at least one day every week. I just get kind of tired of the same games, plus, I don't have any siblings so I don't have anyone to play it with. That's were the "We" concept in Wii comes in. It's better to play with people.
13 posts
YoshiKoopa said:
24/7 even now im using the internet channel (joke)
2 years ago