Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive

Published by 5pb, Developed by Mages

Genres: Fighting / Action (1-4 players)

US release date: Dec 7th, 2017 | EU release date: Dec 7th, 2017

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive is an intense cooperative, side-scrolling beat'em up. But don't mistaken it for just another brawler! Its got an in-depth combat system, thanks to roots stretching back to the hit 2D fighting game Phantom Breaker. Its cast of four playable characters from Phantom Breaker (Mikoto, Waka, Itsuki and Yuzuha) sport moves any fighting game player would recognize -- burst gauges, dodges, guard breaks, and more. As your character levels up, you'll apply skill points to gain new abilities and hit harder and faster! Playable guest characters Makise Kurisu and Frau from the popular visual novels Steins; Gate and Robotics; Notes respectively will be unlocked from the start for Switch users.

  • Story Mode: Battle through 8 deadly stages filled with crazy enemies. Level up your characters to unlock devastating new skills and build up your attack strength, defense, and speed.
  • Arcade Mode: Test your skill for the best scores and times, and compare them against the world on global leaderboards.
  • Co-op Mode: Play with up to 4 players with online and local multiplayer.
  • Battleground Mode: Enjoy a fierce battle royale using your leveled up characters.
  • Hard-Hitting Heroines.
  • Fight as Itsuki, Yuzuha, Waka, and Mikoto from Phantom Breaker, each with their own signature moves and attacks.
  • Wild Steins; Gate and Robotics; Notes Characters Appear.
  • Play as visual novel superstars Makise Kurisu and Frau unlocked from the start.
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