Mario's Picross | Game Boy

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Jupiter Corporation

Genres: Puzzle (1 players)

3DS: Aug 4th, 2011 (US) | Jul 14th, 2011 (EU)

Mario's Picross

Challenging puzzler requires logic to reveal mysterious hidden pictures!

Help Mario unlock the mystery of Picross! The secrets lie in the numeric codes on the top and left side of the window. Decipher these numbers and uncover a hidden picture in each mind-bending puzzle!

Quick wits and a speedy pace are required to solve the clues before the clock runs out! Chisel away strategic boxes and reveal the hidden image in record time! Be careful! Every mistake will cost precious minutes!

Game Features:

  • Over 250 brain-bending puzzles to solve!
  • Different levels of difficulty provide mind-melting puzzle action for players of all skills levels!
  • Battery-backed RAM saves your progress and records

Can you reveal the hidden pictures in time?

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