Sengoku 3 | Neo-Geo

Published by D4, Developed by -

Genres: Action / Fighting (1-2 players)

Wii: Jun 6th, 2013 (US) | Sep 5th, 2013 (EU) [900 points]

Sengoku 3

Choose one of the 4 initial characters to play with and set off on an adventure around the world destroying evil spirits that were awoken by the red moon. This sequel takes on a new gaming dynamic from its predecessors by incorporating a ninja (shinobi) gauge which when filled allows you to launch several different Ninja Art attacks against your enemies. The new system allows you to use both armed and unarmed attacks to adeptly execute and link combos, increasing your characters attack power. Use high-powered ninja arts and combos to decimate your enemies in this action-packed final installment of this epic series.

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