Chasing Aurora

Published by Broken Rules, Developed by Broken Rules

Genres: Action (1-5 players)

US release date: Nov 18th, 2012 | EU release date: Nov 29th, 2012

Prices: £10.79 (UK) | €11.99 (EUR)

Chasing Aurora

Chasing Aurora is an aerial action game that is set in the thin air of the Alps. It is a 2D open world action game featuring physics-based flight and air combat. Your quest is to find and retrieve shards of the shattered sun and return them to the sun altar. Move freely in three different climate zones, searching for the shards of the sun. Some of them were found by vile animals, some landed in precarious locations, some are hidden from plain sight. Sometimes it takes a fight, and sometimes it takes a breakneck stunt in midair to retrieve a shard. Chasing Aurora is a game about the dream of flight.

    Chasing Aurora features
  • Unique physics-based flight inspired by the age-old dream of human aviation.
  • A fresh and mysterious world to explore.
  • Outstanding 2D vector- and pixel-based art style right in the middle between origami and pop-up book.
  • Meet creatures that feature challenging AI and spectacular physics- and frame-based animation.
  • Original sound track composed by and performed on Alpine instruments by Christof Dienz.
  • A story-based single player campaign told without words.
  • At least 4 different multiplayer game modes, some of them asymmetric.
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