Cubemen 2

Published by Nnooo, Developed by 3 Sprockets

Genres: Action (1-6 players)

US release date: Sep 4th, 2014 | EU release date: Sep 4th, 2014

Prices: $7.99 (US) | £6.99 (UK) | €7.77 (EUR)

Cubemen 2

In a world first for an indie game on a Nintendo platform, Nnooo is bringing cross-platform multiplayer and user generated content to the Wii U system with the hugely successful Cubemen 2.

Cubemen 2 is a fast-paced 3D strategy game in which the player controls an army of Cubemen, using them to battle against enemies in a range of modes. Players will be able to enter online matches and create and share user-generated levels regardless of which platform they are using. Players on the Wii U version will be able to battle against other players who own the game on Wii U, PC, Linux, Mac or iOS device.

Cubemen 2, a top-selling Steam and iOS game, can be played in single player mode or with up to 6 players in online solo or team battles against other players or AI. Players will also be able to create and share their own levels using the game's built-in level editor. Wii U players will have access to all user-generated levels created on other platforms since the release of the game. There are currently over 8,000 user-generated levels to play. The game also includes specific level themes, customizable Cubemen skins and a global ranking system.

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Very good

I have always had a passing interest in strategy games. No matter what flavor they come in, I get that itch to play one once every couple of years. From Civilization to Warcraft, I've played my fair share of PC and console strategy games. Enter Cubemen 2, the sequel to full review

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