Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Published by Drinkbox, Developed by Drinkbox

Genres: Action / Aventure (1-2 players)

US release date: Jul 2nd, 2014 | EU release date: Jul 2nd, 2014

Prices: $14.99 (US) | £11.99 (UK) | €13.32 (EUR)

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is a Metroid-vania style action-platformer set in a magical Mexican-inspired world. The game draws its inspiration from traditional Mexican culture and folklore.

Guacamelee! STCE builds upon the classic open-world Metroid-vania style of games, by adding a strong melee combat component, a new dimension switching mechanic, and cooperative same-screen multiplayer for the entire story.

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Very good

Toronto-based developer Drinkbox Studios originally released Guacamelee! on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita last year, with the Guacamelee! Gold Edition hitting Steam shortly after. Now the game is back again in the wonderfully wordy Super Turbo Championship Edition on Wii U, full review

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