Knytt Underground

Published by Ripstone, Developed by Nifflas

Genres: Platformer (1 players)

US release date: Dec 19th, 2013 | EU release date: Dec 19th, 2013


Knytt Underground

Humans practically destroyed the planet in a war five hundred years ago and have long since abandoned the world. The remaining population called 'sprites' are forced to live in tunnels underground. "Mi" (that's you!) is a mute but extraordinary sprite who develops special powers as she embarks upon a quest to ring the six bells of fate, which if not rung every six hundred years will begin a chain reaction that will obliterate the world!

With an array of thrilling quests, unique zen-like gameplay and plenty of dynamic characters to meet and guide you on your adventure ? Knytt Underground delivers a captivating and unparalleled experience that will not disappoint! Can you ring the six bells of fate and save the world before it's too late?

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