Nano Assault Neo

Published by Shin'en, Developed by Shin'en

Genres: Shooting (1-2 players)

US release date: Nov 18th, 2012 | EU release date: Nov 29th, 2012

Prices: $9.99 (US) | £8.99 (UK) | €9.99 (EUR)

Nano Assault Neo

Stop the deadly Nanostray virus from spreading in the nano cosmos.

Traverse a breathtaking microscopic world. You are one against millions.

    Nano Assault Neo features
  • Play optional on your Wii U Gamepad (without TV).
  • Touch the Wii U Gamepad to adjust your satellites and rotate the cell map.
  • Two player co-op gameplay.
  • Drop-in two player gameplay.
  • Online Leaderboards.
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The twin-stick shooter has had a major uprising within the past few years. It all started with a game called Geometry Wars a few years back. Geometry Wars spawned a slew of sequels and spinoffs. Super Stardust is a recent example in the genre to become quite successful and full review

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