Red Riding Hood

Published by Brave Rock, Developed by Brave Rock

Genres: Edutainment (1 players)

US release date: Oct 2nd, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $1.00 (US)

Red Riding Hood

An ageless tale. Choose your own path. A new adventure! Immersive story with amusing dialogue.

Brave Rock Game's Red Riding Hood is viewable via the Wii U Gamepad. Meet Maisie, a young child that is well liked by everyone. After hearing her Grandmother is ill, Maisie prepares to visit her. She dons her favorite scarlet cloak and becomes Red Riding Hood. Journey with her to experience breathtaking visuals and an immersive audio experience. Make a life alternating decision that will affect the flow of the story. Experience the dangers and the exciting of the world of Red Riding Hood.

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