SDK Paint

Published by HullBreach, Developed by HullBreach

Genres: Simulation (1 players)

US release date: Nov 6th, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $2.99 (US)

SDK Paint

Paint across five stacked canvas layers. View your artwork hanging on the walls. Share your creations in 2D and 3D.

SDK Paint offers a unique way to get the artistic juices flowing by stacking the drawing canvas onto five layers, each of which can be independently manipulated in the 4 modes, using numerous brushes, filters, and shaders. While creating artwork with the Wii U GamePad's touch screen, the display mirrors onto the television set for all in the room to enjoy.

SDK Paint comes with several Stencils, which are lineart underlays that assist in creating artwork, and a mode called Galleries, which features several explorable rooms that have all the saved artwork mounted on the walls. Galleries mode supports several control schemes. Artwork can also be prepared for Miiverse in Sharing mode, by configuring output of either 2D or anaglyph 3D (special glasses required for viewing) in the screenshot.

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