Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Published by Ubisoft, Developed by Ubisoft
Genres: Historic / Simulation (1 players)
US release date: Mar 20th, 2007 | EU release date: -
Short but sweet.
Review written by
wii-mote dude
Blazing angels: squadrons of WWII is a wonderful game, in terms of gameplay and graphics. It's not very authentic, as anyone who has the game knows (sometimes in the game you get 50 or more kills in one level, when an ace in WWII was lucky to get 13 in his whole career), but it stays true to the designs of the airplanes that you fly.
All around, it is a fun game, with by far the best control scheme out of all the flight simulators on the wii, but nothing else is really remarkable. The graphics though, I have to admit are pretty nice. Really, I wouldn't believe that it was a wii game if I wasn't playing with the wiimote and nunchuk.
Let me tell you though, if you get good and you plough through this game, then it won't last long. For me, I got maybe 8 hours out of this game, and that's with perfecting all of the missions and flying german experimental aircraft all over the place (there's a rocket plane called the komet, that is REALLY fun to fly).
The first thing you notice even before you play it, when you're still looking at the manual, is the incredible number of control schemes! There must be at least 20 ways to fly in this game. Personally, I just took the first one and stuck with it.
The sound isn't remarkable, with vague explosions and gunshots in the distance, and an aircraft engine that sounds like a little model plane when it flies (the actual planes are REALLY loud, I've been to a couple of airshows where they fly those things). They are fairly good with the language, being able to put Japanese and German into the game. There's subtitles, don't worry.
It is still much more fun than wing island or heatseeker, even though it may be short. Just because of that doesn't mean that it's a bad game. It's definitely not an instant classic, but a good one to pick up if you're bored over the summer.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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