Call of Duty 3

Published by Activision, Developed by -

Genres: Historic / FPS (2 players)

US release date: Nov 19th, 2006 | EU release date: -

Call of Duty 3 user review

Well rounded war game

wiizle 4 shiizle wrote this game review.

Review written by
wiizle 4 shiizle

Well first of all you'd better check your control sensitivity and take a good long time to get used to the controls. At first I couldn't stop staring at the ground or my feet unless I didn't move at all. Fighting germans hand to hand is also hard. My problem was I did it too fast so the Wii remote lost the signal, just remember if you keep dying there do it slower, no need to exhaust yourself. After that the game is smooth. The first cinematic is pretty cool, this is the standard war game for the Wii. Well rounded.


Gameplay: Gameplay score: 8

Graphics: Graphics score: 9

Sound: Sound score: 10

Lifespan: Lifespan score: 7

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