Magic Destiny: Astrological Games

Published by Shanblue, Developed by Shanblue

Genres: Simulation

US release date: Jan 31st, 2011 | EU release date: Dec 31st, 2010

Price: 500 points

Magic Destiny: Astrological Games

Discover the fascinating world of astrology and let the stars guide you with Magic Destiny.

With highly entertaining games, such as Runeblock, Diamonds Link and Stellar Memory, Magic Destiny - Astrological Games mixes minigames with Astrology and helps you learn to read your future with seashells, numerology, tarot cards, palmistry and fortune cookies.

Players can also use the game's vast encyclopaedia to learn about the ancient knowledge of astrology which features detailed background information on astrological symbols. So, if you're looking for guidance from the heavens on your New Year's resolutions, venture into this captivating, magical world if you dare...

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