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Teslagrad announced for Nintendo Switch. Being shown at TGS.

My Little Baby

Published by DTP, Developed by DTP

Genres: Simulation

US release date: Apr 18th, 2011 | EU release date: Feb 18th, 2011

Price: 600 points

My Little Baby

Have you always dreamed of having a cute little baby to lovingly care for?

Well now is your chance. A little virtual cherub will now be yours to look after and you will need to change, bathe and feed your baby as part of your duties, as well as shopping, preparing meals and rocking your baby to sleep.

You will also be able to take part in playtime, dress your baby and teach it how to crawl and walk. But above all, what your little angel needs is your love and attention. All this plus an enormous selection of toys, clothes and other objects will make your little one the happiest baby in the whole wide world!

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