3D Altered Beast

Published by Sega, Developed by Sega

Genres: Action / Fighting (1 players)

US release date: Dec 5th, 2013 | EU release date: Dec 5th, 2013

Prices: $5.99 (US) | £4.49 (UK) | €4.99 (EUR)

3D Altered Beast

Rise from your grave!

Summoned from the dead by Zeus, shape shift into various beasts and fight off hordes of demons to rescue the captured Athena from the clutches of Neff. Transform into a variety of beasts and fight off throngs of demons sent forth by the evil Neff. The mighty shape-shifting god will challenge you in various, hideous forms in each level, but you are armed to the teeth with transformative tricks of your own! In addition to its all-new 3D presentation, 3D Altered Beast also supports local multiplayer, and a Random Transformation Mode.

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