Aero Porter

Published by Level 5, Developed by -

Genres: Simulation / Strategy (1 players)

US release date: Nov 29th, 2012 | EU release date: Nov 29th, 2012

Prices: $4.99 (US) | £4.49 (UK) | €4.99 (EUR)

Aero Porter

LEVEL-5 and Yoot Saito, from VIVARIUM Inc., team up to bring you AERO PORTER, an airport simulation and puzzle game that will have you sorting luggage, expanding your airport's operations, and avoiding security mishaps.

As your airport gains passengers and prestige, you'll be faced with more and more planes to load and luggage to color code. And that's to say nothing of all the special requests and suspicious packages you'll have to deal with!

It's your job to put your airport on the map to help it grow from a few sleepy regional terminals to a bustling international hub. Exchange aircraft with your friends via StreetPass, get those planes loaded, and check your luggage on time.

    Aero Porter features
  • LEVEL-5 & Yoot Saito join forces to create an Airport Sim.
  • Easy to play, difficult to master.
  • Expand your airport into a bustling hub of commerce.
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