Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition

Published by Digital Lounge, Developed by Delphine

Genres: Action / Adventure (1 players)

US release date: Jun 19th, 2014 | EU release date: Jun 19th, 2014

Prices: $7.99 (US) | £7.19 (UK) | €7.99 (EUR)

Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition

Also known as Out Of This World and released across more than a dozen platforms since its 1991 debut, Another World has attained cult status among critics and sophisticated gamers alike for its cinematic effects in the graphics, sound and cut scenes.

Another World chronicles the story of Lester Knight Chaykin a young scientist hurtled through space and time by a nuclear experiment that goes wrong. In an alien and inhospitable world, you will have to dodge, outwit, and overcome the host of alien monsters, while surviving an environment as deadly as your enemies. Only a perfect blend of logic and skill will get you past the deadly obstacles that lie in wait.

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