Color Zen Kids

Published by Cypronia, Developed by Cypronia

Genres: Puzzle (1 players)

US release date: Jun 19th, 2014 | EU release date: Jun 19th, 2014

Prices: $3.99 (US) | £2.99 (UK) | €3.32 (EUR)

Color Zen Kids

For your own Zen masters in training, Color Zen Kids is a fun new twist on the critically acclaimed puzzle game.

With simpler puzzles, larger shapes, and a kid-friendly animal theme, it's a great way to teach problem solving with a game they won't want to put down. Now everyone in the family can find their way, with Color Zen Kids!

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Once again I have encountered a puzzle game that has emerged from the depths of the eShop. I can't complain, I have across some great gaming gems during my time writing for Wii's World and I have given honest scores. Indie developers are becoming a wonderful force now that full review

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