Demon King Box

Published by CIRCLE, Developed by Lanan

Genres: RPG (1 players)

US release date: Aug 21st, 2014 | EU release date: Sep 25th, 2014

Prices: $3.99 (US) | £2.99 (UK) | €3.32 (EUR)

Demon King Box

Demon King Box mixes real-time strategy with classic RPG gameplay.

Gather demons and heroes to join aid your quest. Multiple types of minions can be gathered not only by conquering, but also by researching minions. The demon heroes can enhance the demon legion with their unique skills. Demons level up and get stronger not only by victory, but also by feeding them with their favorite food.

  • Intense battles that can only be won through strength and skill.
  • Expansive demon world with diverse locales to be explored.
  • Various demon heroes reveal their personality through captivating voice-over work.
  • A gripping storyline.
  • Gallery and achievements offer additional content for the dedicated gamer.
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Just from looking at it, Demon King Box is easy to mistake for an Atlus game. From text font to art style, the game shows a strong stylistic influence from something like Knights in the Knightmare. Happily, Demon King Box doesn't live that down, bringing us a beautiful game full review

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