
Published by Nicalis, Developed by Kemco

Genres: RPG (1 players)

US release date: May 8th, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $10.00 (US)


The world of Grinsia was created by twin Goddesses. The elder sister created the winds and the skies and the younger sister brought forth the land and the sea, as well as the beings who were to inhabit the world.

The Goddesses, having completed their creation, imbued six relics with remarkable powers to give life and energy to the world they had created. By doing this they made a promise to those who inhabited the world that their peace and well-being would last forever.

Many eons have since passed since and humankind has flourished under watchful eye of the two Goddesses. An "Empire" soon arose out of the ashes of constant warring and created an advanced civilization using machines.

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