
Published by Gamelion, Developed by EyeCancer

Genres: Puzzle / Strategy (1 players)

US release date: Dec 11th, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $3.99 (US)


Hazumi is simple and elegant. To play the game, use only left/right buttons on dpad (or swing circle pad accordingly).

Your goal in each level is to destroy all crystal blocks. You can only remove a block if it matches the color of the ball. To do this, interact with environment elements - push, pull, press, avoid, get teleported. Cope with over 100 levels - get seriously frustrated! If bored with those - build your own levels. Yes, a level editor is available.

  • Easy to play, yet hard to master. So easy, in fact, that we had to skip tutorials! Want to see the true arcade experience done right? Give Hazumi a go!
  • Oldschool 1980s meet the 2000s as you blast the blocks in full-retro style. Enjoy the dazzling pixel blasts and buzzing buzzsaws with highly immersive 3D experience!
  • By the time you reach level 50 you'll love to hate this game! Puzzles so sneaky, so finger breaking and SO unfair you'll keep asking yourself: "How can this be so fun?!"
  • Want more challenges? Show what you can do with the level editor! Possibilities are limited only by your creativity.
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