Mad Dog McCree

Published by Digital Leisure, Developed by -


US release date: Jun 14th, 2012 | EU release date: Oct 18th, 2012

Prices: $7.99 (US) | £5.40 (UK) | €6.00 (EUR)

Mad Dog McCree

Mad Dog McCree and his band of cutthroats have ridden into town, kidnapped the Mayor and his daughter, and taken them to his hideout.

These hombres are mean and vicious. What this town needs is a gunslinger to spray a little lead in harm's way.

Relive the gunpowder glory of the Wild West with American Laser Games FMV Arcade Classic Mad Dog McCree!


  • An American Laser Games FMV Classic - A First for the 3DS!
  • Original Arcade Release On-The-Go
  • Remastered Game Footage
  • Test Your Reflexes In Showdowns
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